Creative cat spaces, precocious piglet, kitten jumps from car, and dog loves Lincoln.
Creative People Came Up With Cool DIY Ideas To ‘Catify’ Their Homes
Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.
Piglet doesn’t understand personal space unfortunately
GeoBeats / YouTube, via NTMTOM
And finally: Honest, It’s Abe!
“And if you could just emancipate me from this leash, that’d be great.” (via Dana D.)
Does anyone have these?
Skye and Storm would love these but my babies are chunky (except for Minnie) and I don’t know how much weight these things can take.
One person said it holds her 2 cats. They probably have a weight recommendation.
Doesn’t DebG have something amazing like this?
I did, but it never got used so I gave it away. I have beds that rest on the windowsills now, and the cats LOVE them.
I have one on my window. They hold up to 40 pounds. All three of my cats wedge themselves on it on sunny days. The cats rate it 6 paws up.
Those cat trees and catios are fabulous! Do look all the way to 66 😁.

I want this for my sisters three!!
They gave Archer a bunny to cuddle with!!
Happy Independence Day to those who celebrate! And extra hugs and comfort to all the critters who are terrified by fireworks.
Doggo who wants to play with Honest Abe is adorable. If only we could bring him back to life and have him run again.
Several someone’s were setting off the “bang only” fireworks last night between 11 and 2! First one startled me so much I jumped! What is the point of these? Aside from annoying your neighbors?🤨
I live a mile and a half from the racetrack where they do the official fireworks in my town, which they did last night. I don’t mind them too much because I know when to expect them to start (about 9pm or shortly after) and about how long they last (half an hour or so), but for some reason I really didn’t notice them last night. I heard them starting up around 9:15 but usually I can tell when the finale is going off and I didn’t even notice. I did hear some around midnight, coming from a different direction but at least didn’t sound like they were in my complex, which was annoying but they only lasted a few minutes. Surprisingly I’ve only heard fireworks twice in the past week or so, and one of the times was literally only one boom. Hopefully people don’t go too crazy tonight because I have to work tomorrow.
The condo association sent out their annual reminder that fireworks are not allowed in the complex, with a guilt trip reminder to think about how you’d feel if you burned someone’s house down or injured (or worse) someone, and that insurance considerations would probably be the last thing on your mind if you did.
Could be a trap but I’d risk it..

That little pig is soooooo darn cute!! Love when he is running pell-mell down the road, then suddenly stops, with all feet spread out, “WAIT…?”
(Obvy nothing else to do this morning than look at cute animal pics and respond!😂😂😂)
Happy Independence Day USians! I took tomorrow off, so I have a lovely four day weekend, with lots of assignments for my self. Though I am currently fighting Jacques for my breakfast. Since he’s turned 18 all the rules are out the window. He knows he’s not allowed on the table. However, he can’t hear me anymore, so he pretends not to remember. 🥰❤️ My sweet old man.
Give Jacques a kiss from me.
Happy Fourth to my American peeps.
Memo to me: when breaking down a bird cage for clean during moulting season, TURN OFF THE D—N FANS!!
I’m late to the party today because I have a house guest. Happy Independence Day if you’re celebrating.
I love dogs interacting with statues. It must be so puzzling for the dogs, though. “Why no reaction? Have I lost my cuteness?” No, baby–you’ll never lose your cuteness.