15 thoughts on “I’ve Seen Things That’ll Curl Your Hair

  1. 6rabbits July 10, 2024 / 5:49 pm

    I DO think!👍🏼

    What kind of cat IS this?? Is the fur hard to take care of? Those are some *tight* curls!

    • Lyds Lee July 10, 2024 / 6:02 pm

      It’s either a Selkirk Rex or a La Perm.

  2. Dubravkamcvmd July 10, 2024 / 5:51 pm

    Kittens look great no matter what.

  3. debg July 10, 2024 / 6:05 pm

    I love Devon Rex cats, if that’s what this is. Would love a curly-top cat no matter the breed.

  4. allein 🐾 July 10, 2024 / 6:09 pm

    Kitty got a purrm!

  5. Georgiana July 10, 2024 / 6:49 pm

    What a gorgeous kitty!

  6. Duckie 🐥 July 10, 2024 / 6:56 pm

    Look, everyone! Something shiny over there! (Duckie pops kitten in her bag and looks with everyone else.)

    • sedro6 July 10, 2024 / 10:05 pm

      Not so fast!

  7. tara July 10, 2024 / 8:22 pm

    Erm – is this an AI kitten?

    Duckie – will ya let us know? 😉

    • Duckie 🐥 July 10, 2024 / 8:48 pm

      This adorable morsel is most definitely real.

    • allein 🐾 July 10, 2024 / 9:45 pm

      The “you might also like” section links to the same kitty from 2020. (Which then links back to this post. I do not have a problem with this infinite kitty loop.)

      I wonder what s/he looks like now…

  8. tara July 10, 2024 / 8:59 pm

    Fabulous. I’ll take two.

  9. Dana July 10, 2024 / 9:19 pm

    O.M.G. 😻

  10. Blue Footed Booby July 11, 2024 / 9:32 am

    I heart sheep kitty

    I started to construct a portmanteau but it came out wrong.

    • Blue Footed Booby July 11, 2024 / 1:58 pm

      Pretty sure I had exactly the same reaction last time one of these was posted.

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