Yeah, I guess you could say I have a certain quality of attraction. Some guys got it, some don’t. What can I say? Chicks dig me.

Yeah, I guess you could say I have a certain quality of attraction. Some guys got it, some don’t. What can I say? Chicks dig me.
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I’d be cuddling that sweet yellow lab too. And I’m no spring chicken!
He’s so calm and relaxed and welcoming
Warm lab belleh is comfy for little chicks.
What a good boy, he is so calm! That’s the difference between a lab and a pom.
My father once brought home a lost chick that he found while on a walk, we only kept it for the night before taking it to a nearby farm. Our Pomeranian Jeannie was terrified of it and ran away every time the chick would try to come near her.