7 thoughts on “I Shall Protect M’lady!

  1. Kar July 12, 2024 / 3:54 pm


  2. Georgiana July 12, 2024 / 3:58 pm

    You surely are the bravest of the knights of the round feeding bowl Sir Kitten.

  3. 6rabbits July 12, 2024 / 4:09 pm

    Def not getting on his/her wrong side! *quivers in terror*

  4. allein 🐾 July 12, 2024 / 4:11 pm

    I would not mess with him…although I do kinda wanna just poke the tongue…

  5. Dana July 12, 2024 / 4:53 pm

    Ay, those baby toofers!

  6. N. Fritz July 12, 2024 / 5:02 pm

    Supposing you met an elephant? I’d wrap him up in cello-phant!

  7. AJ July 12, 2024 / 5:07 pm

    Oooh so tiny but yet so fierce. Come protect me, my gallant knight!

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