None shall harm one hair on my maiden fair! I’ll slay dragons and bring ’em back in wagons! I’ll pick fights with knights and whap ’em left and right! I’ll perforate the armor of any knave who’d harm ‘er!

None shall harm one hair on my maiden fair! I’ll slay dragons and bring ’em back in wagons! I’ll pick fights with knights and whap ’em left and right! I’ll perforate the armor of any knave who’d harm ‘er!
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You surely are the bravest of the knights of the round feeding bowl Sir Kitten.
Def not getting on his/her wrong side! *quivers in terror*
I would not mess with him…although I do kinda wanna just poke the tongue…
Ay, those baby toofers!
Supposing you met an elephant? I’d wrap him up in cello-phant!
Oooh so tiny but yet so fierce. Come protect me, my gallant knight!