Links: Hot Dog Stand-up Guy

Cop rescues hot dog, baby tree kangaroo and red panda, dog art show, and more.

And finally: *plonk*

Murray C. shares a kitten taking a stand.

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12 thoughts on “Links: Hot Dog Stand-up Guy

  1. 6rabbits July 22, 2024 / 8:40 am

    Need a way to get the loud kittyโ€”same problem as the other day. Thanks,

    • allein ๐Ÿพ July 22, 2024 / 9:01 am

      If you’re on a computer, try watching in full screen (hover over the video and the controls should appear; click the two little arrows icon).

    • Georgiana July 22, 2024 / 2:35 pm

      It won’t play with the Safari browser but it does with Firefox.

  2. allein ๐Ÿพ July 22, 2024 / 9:04 am

    โ€œThe dog’s owner was located,โ€ police said. “However, the dog remains in the custody of Animal Services while the investigation continues.”

    Good, I hope they find her a new home.

    • debg July 22, 2024 / 10:37 am


    • Kar July 23, 2024 / 12:14 am

      I love how the cop was talking to her the entire time, making her feel at least I’m guessing.

  3. debg July 22, 2024 / 10:37 am

    Aggressively meowing kitten made me squeeeeeeee.

  4. Duckie ๐Ÿฅ July 22, 2024 / 11:07 am

    When I first saw the tree kangaroo image, I thought it was a cat! First opposable thumbs, now marsupial pouches! What will our cat overlords come up with next?

  5. Georgiana July 22, 2024 / 2:41 pm

    The owner of that dog should be made to sit in a hot car for a couple of hours and he should have to take a course on how to properly take care of your dog.

    • 6rabbits July 22, 2024 / 7:37 pm


  6. Kar July 23, 2024 / 12:18 am

    Monty is my role model.

    Tiny but fearless.

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