Links: Pawsplay

Doggie costume contest, facts about foxes, two clingy cats, and wombat on the trail.

And finally: Wombat on the Trail

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10 thoughts on “Links: Pawsplay

  1. 6rabbits July 24, 2024 / 8:34 am

    Yay! I could see the video! Wombats rule💙

    PAWMICON’s Barkie entry is too cute!

    Truly Fascinating info on foxes! Watched about 10 minutes of videos and will have to save the rest for later. They really do fight rough as kits!

    Kermit and Fozzie! Perfect names for cats. Amazing how cuddly they are☺️

  2. allein 🐾 July 24, 2024 / 8:47 am

    omg that little fennec fox…🥰

  3. Georgiana July 24, 2024 / 9:11 am

    Love the Dogtor Octopus costume!

  4. Blue Footed Booby July 24, 2024 / 9:42 am

    Love me some stout cuddlebugs. The colors are a real me and my shadow situation. Heart heart ex oh ex oh.

  5. allein 🐾 July 24, 2024 / 9:44 am

    So I only watched the fennec fox video in the link so far, and then I just went to check my youtube subscriptions, and ended up scrolling the home page a bit…and of course it served up more baby fennec foxes…four of them!…getting a bubble bath!! 🛀🏻

    • 6rabbits July 24, 2024 / 9:52 am

      However, I think the rinse water should not have suds?

      • allein 🐾 July 24, 2024 / 10:27 am

        I have to admit I haven’t watched the whole thing because I am at work. But just seeing them put in the tub one by one… *thud*

    • DEBG July 24, 2024 / 10:37 am

      ears for years

  6. DEBG July 24, 2024 / 10:36 am

    I’m jumping out of my skin, anticipating a deep dive on foxes later. I luff them so much.

    Also that wombat is freaking cute, even with the sound off.

  7. AJ July 24, 2024 / 12:41 pm

    Kermit and Fozie together forever!! Love it when people adopt pairs. Pawmicon is awesome and right in my hometown. Those costumes are wow, and very tolerant animals for allowing themselves to be dressed up. Wombat encounter is very cool. Had my own wildlife encounter today that wasn’t as fun as a wombat on a walkabout. Took the dogs out at around 5 am when it’s still mostly dark and one started going crazy. Looked over and saw a shadow of a dog about a 100 yds away. Really wasn’t in the mood to be in the middle of a dog fight so started hustling them back inside when the “dog” ran off. It was actually a coyote. Did not need coffee after that! It’s been a while since I’ve heard of one in my neighborhood but it looked young so I think we mutually scared each other.

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