Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the weekend! Joining us this Caturday is Julius, lurking in his most favorite place, according to reader Susan H.:

The face of an orange striped cat hides among beautiful green leaves in a garden.
Well, hello there.

He loves to play in the landscaping plants, and he doesn’t have an “off” switch- he just keeps going until he’s panting. It makes for some great expressions!

And Now, An Ode to Grass

Oh verdant blades that rise in air / Green and tall beyond compare
After my meal of fish and kibble / Upon your tender leaves I’ll nibble
And then, my hunger thusly sated / Prepare to do that which I’m fated
I’ll creep indoors, quiet as a mouse / And hack up a hairball in the house
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20 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. 6rabbits July 27, 2024 / 8:21 am

    Love the last pic with mouth wide open! What are the purple flowers in first pic?

    Mike, that poem is AWESOME!đŸ‘đŸŒđŸ˜† You’ve really got to make a book of all your poems, accompanied by teh qte of course!

    • SoccerSue July 27, 2024 / 11:45 am

      They’re rhodies. 😁

  2. Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 27, 2024 / 8:43 am

    Epic poetry. Lovely Orange Julius. Excellent start to the day!

  3. Georgiana July 27, 2024 / 8:45 am

    I love marmalade kitties but I never had one, I had pretty much all the other colours but never orange. Would you mind if I borrowed Julius for a little while? He looks so sweet!

    And bravo Mike, your little poem made me laugh before I finished my morning coffee, that’s a feat worthy of the Olympians!

    • SoccerSue July 27, 2024 / 11:48 am

      Please do! I could use a break from trying to keep him from hurting himself- he’s incredibly accident prone! But he’s so cute and loveable, I can forgive him for giving me several heart attacks per day. đŸ€Ł

  4. Tigger Jourard July 27, 2024 / 8:46 am

    Best. Poem. Evar. And I concur – time for Mike to publish a lavishly illustrated book of his poetry. (I’ll offer my copy editing services, gratis, of course.)

  5. Alice Shortcake July 27, 2024 / 8:56 am

    Julius has some FABULOUS facial expressions – I also get a “prepare for hairball” vibe from the last one.

    Much to my amazement I’ve already managed to find local tradesmen to lay vinyl floor covering and assemble flatpack furniture for the new loft conversion, so my study/reading nook/Fortress of Solitude is now complete except for some artwork to brighten up the walls. With any luck I should be able to share some photos next Caturday! Mike’s poetic effusions reminded me that I now have a perfect place to commune with the muse regarding my own long-delayed poetry collection, and if the muse is busy elsewhere I can just look out of the window…

  6. allein đŸŸ July 27, 2024 / 9:01 am

    “What a sentence.”

  7. Duckie đŸ„ July 27, 2024 / 11:45 am

    Julius, you are a lovely lurker.
    I agree: Mike needs his own poetry book. Can I help?
    Hard week almost over. Hubby didn’t qualify for the Disability Tax Credit program, because he doesn’t suffer enough. Job situation crazy. Hubby has hernia surgery pending for Wednesday. Family BBQ tomorrow. Rain on Monday.
    Have a good weekend, everyone.

    • 6rabbits July 27, 2024 / 2:32 pm

      “Doesn’t suffer enough” according to who/what? đŸ€” Hate that there are just people (not doctors) making these decisions according to some stupid checklist. Good luck with surgery!

  8. SoccerSue July 27, 2024 / 11:54 am

    Thank you, Mike- that was amazing! 😂 We definitely need a poetry book!

    He’s just yawning in the last photo, and I caught it at the perfect time. As much as he sheds, and chews on grass, we haven’t had any hairballs to clean up yet!

  9. AJ July 27, 2024 / 1:39 pm

    Bravo to Mike for the poem and brovo to Julius for being such a handsome muse. Can’t wait to see pics of the loft conversion Alice, sounds wonderful. So sorry Duckie about hubby’s disability denial. It’s a no win situation, you’re in pain but still need to work to pay the bills but then they use that against you as evidence that you’re not “that bad”. Good luck with the family bbq.

    Well there was a “cat”astrophe chez moi this morning and talk about a wake up call. Part of the living room ceiling collapsed! We’re all ok but wow what a mess. And there was absolutely no warning – no wet spot, no dripping just boom and it came down. Luckily hubby was still sleeping and I was in the kitchen when it happened. Filed a claim with insurance company and because it happened on the weekend (isn’t that typical?), no one can come out until Mon or Tuesday. So now I have a 5 ft hole and can’t run the A/C. Fingers crossed this will be covered by insurance. Hope everyone’s weekend goes smoother than mine.

    • Kar July 27, 2024 / 2:13 pm


      i can’t even imagine. can you cover the roof with something like those tarps from the roofing companies in case of rain?

    • 6rabbits July 27, 2024 / 2:35 pm

      I could not live without the AC! Is it a hole thru to the outside? Cos that is some serious stuff!

    • AJ July 27, 2024 / 3:11 pm

      Thankfully I live in Southern California with no rain in the forecast, just heat. And what collapsed was the interior ceiling, I have an attic crawlspace between that and the roof, so the gaping hole just gives us a lovely view of the joists, duct system and electrical wires.

      Here’s a link to some pics.

      • 6rabbits July 27, 2024 / 3:22 pm

is disturbing! Can’t wait to find out WHY?

        • Alice Shortcake July 27, 2024 / 3:44 pm

          NOOOOO! What on earth could have caused that? Mercifully I’ve never had to deal with a ceiling collapse in my own home, but many years ago I had a similar experience in a formerly grand but now run-down hotel in a Welsh seaside resort. After I checked in I noticed a bulge in the ceiling just inside the doorway but didn’t think much of it. When I returned from an outing the next day I was unable to open the door without the application of brute force, upon which I discovered that the bulge had lost its battle with gravity and collapsed in a spray of rubble and plaster dust (this would have been quite exciting had it happened during the night…)

      • Georgiana July 27, 2024 / 4:59 pm

        OMG what a mess! I sure hope the insurance company covers all the repairs and don’t use it as an excuse ti raise your rates that’s what ours did when we had flooding in the basement a fw years ago.

      • DEBG July 27, 2024 / 10:10 pm

        I have had bathroom ceilings cave in this way–TWICE–in different apartments in NYC in the 80s. So sorry for your situation!

  10. DEBG July 27, 2024 / 10:12 pm

    Love Orange Julius and his wonderful poem so much! What a photogenic boy!

    I was helping people indigo dye cotton scarves all day. I’m wiped out. Will check in with you all next weekend. Hugs.

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