Raccoons solve problems, pics of adopted pets, cats in Japan, and cat goes for the gold.
Raccoons are creative problem solvers and show urban street smarts
ZME Science, via Elizabeth G.
Photos Of Pets Finding Themselves A New Home
Bored Panda, via NTMTOM
And finally: Go For the Gold!
I can’t believe the judges allow this kind of interference, Dana D.
Help! I’m being repressed.
I heard the music from West Side Story as soon as I saw this one.
These kittens are Jets all the way!
I love how raccoons always look vaguely embarrassed to be caught doing whatever felonious crap they happen to be up to.
Olympics kitten is wonderful. Just every ounce of enthusiasm his wee bod can muster. I imagine him waving his paws like a wacky inflatable tube man.
Yes yes yes to Olympics kitty! That little fluffball will have me giggling all day.
They have no shame, and ironically it’s people who are making them smarter.
It took them a whopping two days before someone filmed them opening one of Toronto’s new “racoon-proof” garbage bins – something that had been debuted with great fanfare from city officials at the time.
(For those who don’t know, Toronto raccoons are the equivalent of NYC’s rats in terms of city-mascot status and havoc creation.)
Raccoon to Skunk: “Move, I got this.”
“What’cha doin’?”

Photos of pets fining forever homes…priceless!
They’re lovely photos. Those lucky adoptees and their families must be so happy.