Links: B is for Bear

Bear goes to school, cats with jobs, dog in Parliament, and the ice cream truck’s cutest customer.

And finally: Ice Cream! Ice Cream!

A9 shares a good girl getting a treat as sweet as she is.

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7 thoughts on “Links: B is for Bear

  1. Georgiana August 13, 2024 / 8:49 am

    I love it!

  2. 6rabbits August 13, 2024 / 9:02 am

    50 Hardworking cats has some classics😁
    Teacher is lucky that is a young, friendly, SMALL bear!

  3. Georgiana August 13, 2024 / 9:07 am

    The comment on this one is perfect!

    Pandarosa: You can’t keep coming to work in just your tshirt and socks, Gary. We’ve had complaints.

  4. allein 🐾 August 13, 2024 / 9:11 am

    Um…the bear teacher’s name is Salmon?! 🐻🐟

    • RVMan August 14, 2024 / 9:18 am

      These doors are labeled, by what I miss? “Uh, Miss Smith? no, I don’t ever need, let alone, miss, a smith. Miss Margarita? – noooo, got into a pitcher of THOSE once, never again! AHH Miss Salmon? Yes, I definitely miss salmon! This is the place!

      • allein 🐾 August 14, 2024 / 9:20 am


  5. DEBG August 13, 2024 / 9:56 am

    Love the little bear–and I’m glad nobody got hurt!

    Ice cream pup, I feel ya. That was me every day in the summertime, except I didn’t always get the treat!

    Looking forward to hardworking cats and a lovely goldie later.

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