7 thoughts on “The Look of Lurve

  1. allein 🐾 August 15, 2024 / 3:24 pm

    Awww…I want to boop the pink nose…

  2. 6rabbits August 15, 2024 / 4:09 pm

    Awwwww…He does have that “love you” impression in his eyes❤️

  3. Duckie 🐥 August 15, 2024 / 6:27 pm

    I’d forgive him for eating me…

  4. AJ August 15, 2024 / 6:32 pm

    What a face! I’d say such a sweet kitty but … those paws make me wary.

  5. Tigger Jourard August 15, 2024 / 8:01 pm

    Gorgeous cat. Perfect toe beans. Excellent caption. Win win win!!

  6. Kar August 15, 2024 / 8:02 pm

    he MUST love her. doesn’t even mind that she’s holding his tail.

  7. DEBG August 15, 2024 / 9:45 pm

    I would love to hold this luscious leopard.

    Spent the day at The Wild Animal Sanctuary with friends, and we saw many distant relatives of this sweetie.

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