Elephant flips car, baby orangutan makes public debut, endangered donkey finds a safe home, and a dog with googly eyes.
Playful mother elephant flips parked SUV in Khao Yai for fun
Straits Times, via NTMTOM
Philadelphia Zoo Announces Birth of Sumatran Orangutan
Philadelphia Zoo, via Tara O.
And finally: Why I Eyes Ya
via Mastodon
I’m, uh, surprised by Mom Elephant’s strength . One would think elephants are strong, but casually flipping a car around with your trunk! Good to know. Do not irritate elephant, or find yourself picked up and tossed a mile.
Geez! Who would’ve thought? Don’t tick off any elephants, especially mothers!
The cracking you can hear as she turned the car and rocked it did make me chuckle, tho😁
Didn’t we see Cash before? Not that I’m complaining, mind you.
Yes, Cash made an appearance in a post from a different source.
Yes Cash was in a delightful video.
The creature in the video! I was thinking, “boy, that cat’s got unusually long legs… I wonder what breed it is?” Guess I haven’t had my first cup of coffee…
No, that was my thought too, had no idea what that was.
the location of the eyes threw me off!
I thought the same about the legs, before questioning the eyes, and I’ve HAD coffee!😁
I knew it was canine but had no sense of scale. The silhouette and shining eyes clocked as “wolf.” But no, for he is smoll. Relatively speaking.
Elephant mama, just wow. Guess the lesson is don’t mess with any mama. Awww, Cash is an absolute cutie. Checked house, no baby donkey just two wawas. Thor is back to not feeling so well, good thing I have a vet appointment for him next week.
The ceiling saga has now become a major event and just ridiculous. Gotta laugh or you’ll be crying. After the plumber came and said it’s not a plumbing issue, get the HVAC people back out, welll warranty company sent a different HVAC company for a second opinion. Taking plumber’s advice, I was running the A/C so they could tell where or what was leaking. Good thing I did, found out the air handler wasn’t installed properly. Seems the coil is broken, the drain pan isn’t aligned with the coil and the pan has a crack in it. Heavy sigh. Sooooo, report needs to be sent to warranty company, who will then approve someone to make the repairs and then finally, can get the ceiling fixed. In the meantime, I can’t run the A/C at all. By the time this is all taken care of, I won’t need A/C anymore, it will be time to run the heat, lol. Only good thing is this all covered by either warranty or homeowner’s insurance, otherwise the dollar signs would be astronomical. Hope everyone is having a better day than me!
WOW😳 I’m glad they finally found the reason and that it will all be paid for! I’d freak out about having no AC access tho. Hugs to Thor
Thank goodness for fans everywhere and 2 portable A/C units, plus a pool. I told my husband the electric bill will be high but I don’t care.
All’s well that ends well, but golly, what a saga!