It’s All About Mimi

We love the antics of dachshunds LouLou, Coco and now ChouChou, but another member of the family has her own spotlight, notes Cutetropolis reader Allein. Mimi the Bengal cat has her own YouTube channel with her adventures.

“And if you scroll to the bottom there are sugar gliders!” adds Allein. (Content note: Live worms.)

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4 thoughts on “It’s All About Mimi

  1. 6rabbits August 21, 2024 / 6:10 pm

    Mimi’s eyes are such a beautiful color!
    Good grief! Sugar Gilders too? I love the Sugar Gliders little hands, so dexterous.

  2. allein 🐾 August 21, 2024 / 6:23 pm

    Bengals are just so pretty!

    Yeah, I saw the container of mealworms and said, “and that’s why I’ll never have a sugar glider….”

  3. AJ August 21, 2024 / 7:04 pm

    Ok, I’m in awe. This person must never work. I have enough trouble keeping up with 2 dogs but they have 3 dogs, 1 cat, AND 3 sugar gliders. How do they keep that house so clean and neat, and nothing has been broken???????!

    • allein 🐾 August 21, 2024 / 7:13 pm

      I don’t think they have the sugar gliders anymore. There are only three videos of them and they’re three years old. The Mimi videos start a year ago.

      The channel description says:

      Welcome on the channel of Mimi our bengal cat. You can follow all her adventures here.

      We made an account for her, to share some more extensive videos here. She will also be seen on our other channel Loulou & Friends, but here more about her.

      Yes this used to be the channel of our sugar gliders, we keep the videos on this channel as a wonderful memory.

      I hope you like it.

      xxx Eveline

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