The Smell of Success

Since YouTube hasn’t invented smell-o-vision yet, we’ll need to trust the Girl With the Dogs that today’s customer is a smelly fella. But with a good bath and a spritz of cologne, she puts everything in odor.

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6 thoughts on “The Smell of Success

  1. DEBG September 3, 2024 / 6:00 pm

    Can’t wait to see more of this gorgeous kitty! What a beautiful face!

  2. allein 🐾 September 3, 2024 / 6:27 pm

    I love it when their bodies are soaking wet but their heads are still dry.

  3. AJ September 3, 2024 / 6:44 pm

    Madame this is an affront to my dignity!!

    But, but … He’s soooo cute, squeeee!

  4. Georgiana September 3, 2024 / 7:08 pm

    What a beautiful kitten and so chill about everything.

  5. Kae September 3, 2024 / 8:09 pm

    That purr is wonderful!!

  6. DEBG September 3, 2024 / 10:12 pm

    An excessively chill cat–almost . . . wait for it . . . catatonic.

    I have to wonder if maybe Teddy isn’t lazy so much as not so bright. He does know how to love and purr, though, so what else does he need!?

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