Peeps, a brief deviation to relay a scare and a laugh. I was in the bedroom, putting flannel sheets on the bed (I love fall), and heard something going “ohwowowo” in a long drawn out cry. I froze, and turned towards where I thought the sound came from, and heard it again. It was from my laundry room, where both the washer and dryer were running. I went into the hallway, and heard it again. Definitely the laundry room, and my stomach clenched, thinking that another appliance was dying. I went in the room and heard it again. “Ohwowowo”. I turned the light on, and discovered that I had left a can of beans on the dryer, and the vibrations from the dryer were causing the can to move around a little. And the metal from the can moving across the metal of the dryer was scraping it and making the “ohwowowo” sound!
GeorgianaOctober 10, 2024 / 1:47 pm
Scary beans LOL!
allein 🐾October 10, 2024 / 1:48 pm
I had to get a tire replaced the other day, and then the next morning as I was leaving my neighborhood I heard a weird rhythmic whirring noise as I was slowing down for the light. It stopped when I did. I turned off the radio to listen when the light changed and it didn’t happen again; I realized the guy I passed on an e-bike (stopped on the other side of the road facing the other direction) must have come up on my other side where I couldn’t see him.
Tina MOctober 10, 2024 / 1:48 pm
OMG Duckie – I am laugh crying right now. That would be a good Flurnston Boils story!!
6rabbitsOctober 10, 2024 / 10:37 pm
Exactly! 😂
debgOctober 10, 2024 / 6:15 pm
They’re called the musical fruit for a reason!
I love this story.
GeorgianaOctober 10, 2024 / 1:42 pm
There’s no kiss on the nose, let me remedy this right now 💋
Duckie 🐥October 10, 2024 / 8:13 pm
Georgiana, there seems to be some peenk on the nose. Your kiss appears to have been successful.
AJOctober 10, 2024 / 3:14 pm
Oh my, such a handsome boi no wonder he got all smooches!!!!
Duckie, you had me howling with that can of beans scooching across the machine. Definitely a Flurston worthy story. Hint hint Mike, I hope he makes an appearance this season.
RechercheOctober 10, 2024 / 4:20 pm
Scuse me, I need to go apply more lipstick!
debgOctober 10, 2024 / 6:16 pm
I don’t blame the kisser in the slightest. What a sweet face.
I don’t think this cutie has to say anything.
Kisses match tongue.
I kissed the screen.
Peeps, a brief deviation to relay a scare and a laugh. I was in the bedroom, putting flannel sheets on the bed (I love fall), and heard something going “ohwowowo” in a long drawn out cry. I froze, and turned towards where I thought the sound came from, and heard it again. It was from my laundry room, where both the washer and dryer were running. I went into the hallway, and heard it again. Definitely the laundry room, and my stomach clenched, thinking that another appliance was dying. I went in the room and heard it again. “Ohwowowo”. I turned the light on, and discovered that I had left a can of beans on the dryer, and the vibrations from the dryer were causing the can to move around a little. And the metal from the can moving across the metal of the dryer was scraping it and making the “ohwowowo” sound!
Scary beans LOL!
I had to get a tire replaced the other day, and then the next morning as I was leaving my neighborhood I heard a weird rhythmic whirring noise as I was slowing down for the light. It stopped when I did. I turned off the radio to listen when the light changed and it didn’t happen again; I realized the guy I passed on an e-bike (stopped on the other side of the road facing the other direction) must have come up on my other side where I couldn’t see him.
OMG Duckie – I am laugh crying right now. That would be a good Flurnston Boils story!!
Exactly! 😂
They’re called the musical fruit for a reason!
I love this story.
There’s no kiss on the nose, let me remedy this right now 💋
Georgiana, there seems to be some peenk on the nose. Your kiss appears to have been successful.
Oh my, such a handsome boi no wonder he got all smooches!!!!
Duckie, you had me howling with that can of beans scooching across the machine. Definitely a Flurston worthy story. Hint hint Mike, I hope he makes an appearance this season.
Scuse me, I need to go apply more lipstick!
I don’t blame the kisser in the slightest. What a sweet face.