“And by ‘locals’ I mean cats! So just take your crazy barking and running around and sniffing each other’s butts to the nearest dog park!”

“And by ‘locals’ I mean cats! So just take your crazy barking and running around and sniffing each other’s butts to the nearest dog park!”
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*turns around…quickly*
That sign looks like a mixed message. It seems to be “no dogs allowed”, but the circle is green, not red.
Digression: it’s interesting how we – okay, I – associate colors and sounds with positive and negative activities. Green is positive, red is negative (or go, stop, when it comes to traffic lights and signs.) Also, there are certain noises that we associate with a positive outcome or a negative outcome. Several years ago, my city introduced automatic card readers on buses. When they first rolled the system out, the “your card is valid” sound was more of an “error” sound, in my opinion. I think they must have gotten feedback about it because they have changed the sound now.
I wonder if I’m cool enough for that beach, or if I need to get a tuxedo first.
I *always* use red, green, and amber when I color-code spreadsheets. Everybody gets it. If I could add sound effects, I probably would!
I use color coding to mark papers and record grades in my grade book. So I know where students stand and stydents know what they do well and can improve.
I am a color-coding queen and I did something similar when I taught😁
I’m fairly sure this is a formal attire only beach.
I wouldn’t mess with that kitty…
Looks like he’s got some serious fangs!
I mean business, buddy. I’m hissing here.
I don’t feel cool enough to be looking at this beach.