Weekend Open Thread

Peeps, this is a special open thread, because we’re celebrating a birthday! Here’s reader Georgiana Y. with the news:

A very happy birthday to my sweet Minnie who just happens to be turning 18 on Caturday, October 19th. She has good days and bad days but she’s a tough little girl and we love her very much.

Close up of the face of a cat
Thanks. I love me too.
You already voted!

38 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Georgiana October 19, 2024 / 8:49 am

    It’s 8h30 now and Minnie is having her 2nd breakfast right about now, she never eat a lot at one sitting so I give her little meals whenever she wants. Soon she’ll go downstairs to her couch for a long nap and then we’ll do it all over again. I know that she won’t be with me too much longer but I’m determined to make every moment I have her a good one.

    Have a good weekend all.

    • DEBG October 19, 2024 / 12:45 pm

      She could not have a better mom.

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom October 19, 2024 / 8:23 pm

        Indeed. Minnie is lucky to have you.

  2. 6rabbits October 19, 2024 / 8:56 am

    “Thanks. I love me too” is just so CAT😂
    Happy Birthday to your baby!🎂

  3. AJ October 19, 2024 / 9:15 am

    Happy birthday gorgeous Minnie. Remember you’re not getting older you’re getting better, and you’ve just reached fabulous level! Hope she gets all the treats and anything else she likes today.

    Not much going on this weekend. Have a Lego club meeting today and errands tomorrow. Maybe take doggos out to the park since the weather has turned cooler, they live all the new smells. Happy weekend and enjoy everyone!

    • Kar October 19, 2024 / 5:16 pm

      Lego club? ?

      • AJ October 19, 2024 / 6:16 pm

        It’s officially known as a LUG – Lego User Club and we meet once a month. It’s officially recognized by Lego and we’re open to everyone that loves and builds Lego, whether sets or their own creations. We usually socialize for about 1/2 hour, then show off what we’re working on. After we have announcements and a program. Today we learned how to build something with a motor and sensors, and programmed it to move. It’s always neat seeing what other people dream up. I only work on sets, I can’t visualize how things go together without instructions.

        • Kar October 19, 2024 / 7:25 pm

          curious if you work on big projects designed by the company or if you work on designing projects based on real life sites.

          I’m old school so not used to motors and sensors. Astonished by the imagination of modern art pieces out there. I used them to build doll houses.

          • AJ October 19, 2024 / 9:34 pm

            People doing the works in the pics have my total respect. I only do the kits put out by the company. I need the step by step directions, lol. I’m building the Notre Dame Cathedral now. How cool that you built dollhouses.

  4. Ricky & Bibi's Mom October 19, 2024 / 9:18 am

    Happy birthday, Minnie!

  5. tara October 19, 2024 / 9:22 am

    Happy Birthday gorgeous girl! I hope you have a wonderful luxurious day!

    I’ve got errands to run today including early voting. I want to get this over with! There are signs everywhere in Center City and West Philly encouraging early voting. So! I’m taking the hint and gettin’ it done. This can’t be over soon enough.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day. I’ll check back in to see if the dogs were good again this week. 😉

  6. Duckie 🐥 October 19, 2024 / 10:54 am

    Happy birthday, Minnie.
    I have to go and vote for the least offensive leader for Canada. I will check in with you later, Minnie, for some much needed relief.

    • fkaWaldenPond October 19, 2024 / 7:08 pm

      Ha! I hear ya!

  7. allein 🐾 October 19, 2024 / 11:22 am

    Happy birthday, Minnie!!! 🎂🎈😽

    Happy Caturday! How are you doing today, DebG?

    Tara – early voting starts in NJ next Caturday (October 26). The nearest location for me is my county library headquarters, which I will be near on Halloween, so I will probably do it after my appointment.

    In case anyone missed it yesterday (or wants to watch again)…the dogs were spooky again! “…a combination of wholesome and terrifying that my body does not know how to process.”

    Molly deserves all the treats.

    I’ve already picked up my WeRateDogs and Thoughts of Dog daily calendars for next year.

    • DEBG October 19, 2024 / 12:56 pm

      Yeah, I watched it again. Need to get my 2025 wall calendar for the office–I’ve got Sheldrick elephants for home.

      • 6rabbits October 19, 2024 / 2:23 pm

        So did I! I don’t use calendars, except on my iPad, now that I’ve retired, but Bat World Sanctuary and Sheldrick elephants use to be my home and school☺️

      • allein 🐾 October 19, 2024 / 2:37 pm

        I have the page-a-day calendars at work (used to be Cute Overload, of course, then Grumpy Cat, and when they stopped doing that one I found WeRateDogs).

        Otherwise I have a calendar in Excel at work and after I fill in my group’s in-office/work-from-home schedules, I print a copy for my cubicle and one for home. I started with a template and added nature pictures this year. Haven’t decided what to do for next year’s yet.

        • allein 🐾 October 19, 2024 / 3:07 pm

          (For my actual personal calendar I use google calendar so I can access it on my phone or computer.)

    • tara October 19, 2024 / 2:45 pm

      Good to see the dogs were good again this week. 🥰
      So, “early voting” is actually “fill-out-the-mail-in-ballot-here” voting. Fine. Ballot filled out. Sticker received. And I am done! wheeeeee!

      • allein 🐾 October 19, 2024 / 3:02 pm

        We can do mail-in but you have to request it (you can also drop it in a drop box rather than mail it, which I did in 2020 because of covid; the county elections office is not far from my house so I used the drop box there). The deadline to request it is 10/29 but I feel like that’s awfully close. You can request it just for the current election, or you can request it for all elections and then they’ll automatically send you the ballot each time until you request otherwise.

        I just got a mailer with early voting info last week (dates, hours and locations for in-person early voting in my county, and the website to request a mail ballot); in-person runs from 10/26 – 11/3, and you can go to any location in the county (there are 10; though only three or four that I’d be willing to drive to). I’ve never had to wait long to vote on election day (I think the longest I’ve ever waited was about 20 minutes) but I just kinda want to get it done with this year. I’m so tired of it all at this point. I googled to find my sample ballot and apparently they’re supposed to be sent out by next Wednesday, before early voting starts. I’ll vote on Halloween and say BOO! to all the craziness. 👻

        • 6rabbits October 19, 2024 / 3:41 pm

          You’re lucky. Indiana is restrictive with voting. You can’t do mail-in unless you are stationed in the service somewhere other than the U.S., or unable to physically leave your home, with doctor’s proof. I would loooove to do mail-in. We didn’t even have mail-in during covid!

          • allein 🐾 October 19, 2024 / 3:51 pm

            From what I can find, NJ changed to a no-excuse-needed mail option in 2006, but in 2020 they just sent everyone a mail ballot, while still having in-person election day locations (though fewer than usual) available. So you didn’t have to vote by mail but for most people it was probably the easier (and safer) option.

  8. Duckie 🐥 October 19, 2024 / 11:53 am

    Ok, Minnie, I voted. Ugh, atmospheric river outside. Really wet rain.
    Crazy week. Flu shot. Covid shot. Vitamin shot. Blood work. All in same arm, as I need my other arm for walking. And vitamin shot again on Monday.
    Duckie had a small blood feather on her head break. The bleeding stopped quickly, as it was a very tiny feather, but it scared me.
    Asinine BIL got a very bad shock this week, and we are hoping it will motivate him to remember that he’s not the only person in the world, and that he has responsibility for several people.
    Looks like our finances are getting better, and I might even get to pay off our line of credit this year, after all.
    My arts and crafts supplies are refilled, and I plan to stay home as much as possible this winter.
    Off to have coffee with a friend, and whine at each for an hour.
    Have a great weekend, everyone, and stay warm and dry.

  9. allein 🐾 October 19, 2024 / 12:16 pm

    I overslept so much I don’t know if it’s Caturday or Saturdog…

    • DEBG October 19, 2024 / 12:57 pm

      This cat is surprisingly stoic about the whole process, despite the barking.

      • 6rabbits October 19, 2024 / 2:30 pm

        Barking cat was perhaps only around dogs when s/he was a kitty?🧐

      • allein 🐾 October 19, 2024 / 3:10 pm

        I was glad he only tried to bite at the dryer and not her.

  10. DEBG October 19, 2024 / 1:05 pm

    Happy birthday, beautiful Minnie! You’re gorgeous.

    I just got back from errands, because it’s important to get back on the horse, right? ICYMI, I got rear-ended yesterday morning on my way down to the office. I was maybe a mile from home, stopped at a red light with another car behind me. That car got plowed by a delivery truck and was pushed into me. Nobody was hurt.

    So I’m learning about handling insurance claims for accidents. I’m learning that collision shops may not be able to fit you in for an estimate for a while. I’m learning how much my car relies on its safety network and will not let up.

    My nanny car, which doesn’t like the way I drive on the best days, no longer has a left rear camera that monitors the blind spot and sends signals to the driver side mirror when it’s not safe to switch lanes. And nanny REALLY doesn’t like the open trunk–I tried to see if I could open it (I cannot) and now it won’t latch shut, thanks to the damage. Nanny rings an alarm every few minutes while I’m driving, just to let me know that the trunk is open. Thanks, Nanny. (Hope I can find a way to turn that off.)

    These are minor nuisances. I’m grateful that nobody was hurt, that cars can be fixed, and that I wasn’t far from home when it happened. I’m grateful to all of you for your good wishes yesterday.

    I also dropped off my ballot last week, wrote the last round of postcards for Pennsylvania voters yesterday, and am now just biting my nails waiting for the big day. Cannot wait to have this election done and dusted.

    Happy Caturday!

    • Emsthemonster October 19, 2024 / 1:28 pm

      Oh Debg, what a shock 🙁 I hope both you and the car get better soon.
      My 4 cats and 3 hedgehogs are sending healing purrs!

    • allein 🐾 October 19, 2024 / 2:43 pm

      Glad you’re doing okay!

      My car likes to insist that someone is sitting in my passenger seat without a seatbelt. My bag is not that heavy! I started just keeping the seatbelt buckled. Sometimes there is a tiny Beagle sitting in it (it’s a Happy Meal toy that I found on the floor of the bookstore years ago, from when those “The Dog” fisheye lens pictures were big).

      • 6rabbits October 19, 2024 / 3:42 pm

        I want one!!

  11. Emsthemonster October 19, 2024 / 1:23 pm

    Georgiana, I hope you still have a long time with sweet Minnie! Unfortunately the time we can spend with them is never enough.

  12. tara October 19, 2024 / 2:50 pm

    Oh gosh! missed this yesterday. Glad you are okay and I hope you aren’t very sore today. I hope you are able to get your car fixed quickly. Love from my three fur-babies.

  13. Luv Bunny October 19, 2024 / 3:11 pm

    Happy Birthday Minnie. Hope your good days out number the not so great days.

  14. Alice Shortcake October 19, 2024 / 4:13 pm

    Happy birthday, Minnie! I would never have guessed your age.

    Not much to report from the Shortcakery other than the startling growth rate of my newly planted Irish Ivy. If left unchecked it looks capable of engulfing the entire city of York within five years.

    Also, I was delighted to hear that my local theatre will soon be selling tickets for what will no doubt be a must-see show next year – Samuel Beckett’s ‘Krapp’s Last Tape’ starring the great Gary Oldman. The actor began his career here in 1979 with the pantomime ‘Dick Whittington and His Cat’, in which he played – brace yourselves – the Cat!

    • Kar October 19, 2024 / 5:22 pm

      Gary Oldman?

      You got my interest but not a big beckett fan.

  15. Sowmya October 19, 2024 / 4:25 pm

    Happy birthday purrs to Sweet Madame Minnie from Nikolai Devinovich and Ekaterina Velikaya!

    Spent the morning practicing with my classical dance troupe for a performance tonight. First time doing turns wearing my new progressive glasses – luckily not too dizzy! (Unfortunately I’m not dancing with them this time as I have another event, but looking forward to being back on stage again soon!!)
    Hope everyone has something good to look forward to!

  16. Kar October 19, 2024 / 5:20 pm

    Minnie looks like such a sweet girl. she deserves all the breakfasts she wants

    Mine is 15 and I wish that I could just stay and home and pamper her. Will have to settle for doing that on the weekends.

    I don’t know if she’s getting dementia or if she’s just trying to con me into thinking that I didn’t give her the nightly wet food/churu snack. but bless her for trying.

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