Greetings, humble homeowner! It is I, Princess Petunia Pittiepants, ruler of the garden fairies and protector of plants! None shall be nasty to your nasturtiums or get creepy with your creepers!

Greetings, humble homeowner! It is I, Princess Petunia Pittiepants, ruler of the garden fairies and protector of plants! None shall be nasty to your nasturtiums or get creepy with your creepers!
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THAT is an adorable dog! S/he is welcome to come and guard my yard any day!
What a sweet face!
Apparently, her name is Butter! 🧈
I want!!!! Her Royal Highness can come guard my garden, house, sofa, etc any time she deigns to mingle with us commoners. That is beyond sweet and adorable. I literally “ahh’ed” and gasped when l saw this pic, I wish I could upvote it a gazillion to infinity times.
Look at that face, I want to kiss her right between the eyes, she’s adorable.
Pretty sure Princess Petunia would be more likely to lick you to death than bite your butt.
She looks so proud of her flowers, they’re even prettier over her sweet face.