Dressing up for Halloween? Before you go to that masquerade party, you must first stand before the Costume Council, eternal guardians of the Halloween spirit. If your costume pleases the council you receive their blessing and a full-size Snickers. If not you are cast forever into the Flaming Pit of Eternal Suffering and Pilates Studio. Choose wisely.

I don’t eat Snickers; can I just get some doggie snuggles instead?
My favourite is the doggy mummy!
Those Pilates 100’s definitely belong in h*ll! 👻
Such sweet babies. And so adorable in their costumes!
Skeleton and pumpkin bat(?) don’t look very into the Hallowe’en experience.
I think that’s a mummy. And it’s my spirit animal tonight.
I have biscuits…
I’m only in a Happy Halloween t-shirt so I guess won’t pass inspection. As mentioned above, can I trade h**ll for doggy snuggles? They are too too adorable!