It’s the month for superlative sniffers, imposing inhalers, noteworthy nostrils, profound proboscises, stupendous snouts, brilliant boopables, and otherwise outstanding olfactory organs.

Booping accomplished, Andrew Y.
It’s the month for superlative sniffers, imposing inhalers, noteworthy nostrils, profound proboscises, stupendous snouts, brilliant boopables, and otherwise outstanding olfactory organs.
Booping accomplished, Andrew Y.
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Infinite boops administered.
Play them like a zylophone!
Yay for Nosevember! (But, seriously how is it not still August…..?)
Feels like August in my house…
I turned on the heat on Sunday because it was cold and now it’s almost 80 degrees again…
That time of year when you need a coat in the morning and then you’re carrying it home in the afternoon.
And the clocks change this weekend! 😳
Let the booping commence! I can’t wait to see all the nosy noses Mike comes up with.
THAT is a nose!