“I gotta confess something, Phil; I’ve never liked trees all that much. Yeah, I know, we’re supposed to chew ’em and all, but something’s always been a little off for me. Too bland, too many splinters, I dunno. But that cedar we had the other day — now that was a tree. Moist, great aroma, full-bodied with a clean finish… Hadda stop myself from eating the whole thing, yanno?”

Young beavers, not sure if there is behavioural teaching going on here., by Deborah Freeman, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
[redacted beaver comment].
Seriously though, we really do need a universal translator.
How are you doing today, Kar? Sending more hugs and purrs your way.
Thank you all for your thoughts and comfort.
Moving forward and trying to remember/recall/treasure the good. Had a communal Joy writing session last night which was very timely.
Realized that I really am the (voluntary) omega in my house pack. Another way of saying that I’m staff for my pets I guess.
I even slept in an awkward position so that she could sleep the way/place she wanted.
I read the sad news too late. I’m also sending hugs, Kar.
Personally, Iād think cedar tastes better just cos it smells so good!
This photographer has a LOT of very majestic bird photos on her site.