Cutetropolis is brought to you today by Doggie Delivery, bringing cuddles to your door and a smile to your face. When you need a cuddly pup to cheer you up, one call to Doggie Delivery does it all.

puppy pouch, by 416style, licensed under CC BY 2.0
Cutetropolis is brought to you today by Doggie Delivery, bringing cuddles to your door and a smile to your face. When you need a cuddly pup to cheer you up, one call to Doggie Delivery does it all.
puppy pouch, by 416style, licensed under CC BY 2.0
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Where do I sign up?
I need cuddles but you didn’t give us the phone number to call 😫
I wish I could like this. Puppy is awfully cute. Unfortunately that biker is not protecting puppy’s safety and that gives me a frightened sad.
Sorry for nuffing, but it hits close to home. I’d never want anyone transporting my dog that way.