Human, after careful consideration, we find you have committed these minor infractions: One, failure to provide at least three jingle mousies for every kitten; Two, insufficient hours spent dragging the chasing string, and; Three, stale kibble. As this is your first time before the council, assuming these matters are rectified promptly, the council will refrain from eating you in your sleep.

Kittens, by, licensed under CC BY 2.0
I definitely wouldn’t mess with the one in the middle…
Me neither! Very intent and focused. And really, the one on the left has me worried too!
The smirk on the face of the right one would have me checking my shoes daily.
I feel like the black kitties, especially the ones up in the tree, are the shadow counsels.
And it doesn’t look good.
Oh, no! I never noticed them! Now I’m toast!
Done in by the stealth kitten.
They’re really very disappointed in us. I don’t blame them.
They really look mad, I’d be afraid if I was their human.
Oh boy, you know you’re in deep doo doo when the Council has spoken. I’d definitely take the opportunity to make amends with lots of tuna, kibble changed on the hour and exhausitive (for us at least) play sessions. Maybe then you could re-commence sleeping with both eyes shut. From the way they look, I’d rather take my chances with the NY Italian Mob.
An’ the Gobble-uns’ll git you
Ef you