If I want to dress up as a tuxedo cat for New Year’s, I’m going to need to figure out how this thing works. It would probably help if I had thumbs. And could read.

Sewing machine inspector, by quinn.anya, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
If I want to dress up as a tuxedo cat for New Year’s, I’m going to need to figure out how this thing works. It would probably help if I had thumbs. And could read.
Sewing machine inspector, by quinn.anya, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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I bet DebG can help you!
I totally can. I still have the tuxedo jacket that I made for myself, just cuz. The first time I saw Eddie Izzard perform live, he (at that time) was wearing the SAME THING–a tuxedo jacket and jeans.
Also cats do not love sewing machines once things start to make noise!
My favorite Eddie Izzard joke about clothing is when asked why he* wears “women’s clothes” says, “they’re not women’s clothes, they’re my clothes.”
*presumably, at the time, since it would make more sense with question/joke
My mom has a sewing machine, but one of those that folds up into a table. It sits under the window in their bedroom and Stars used to like to sit on it and watch the side yard. My mom put a bird feeder in the tree out there for her entertainment.
He now responds to Suzy but either way he/she wears heels and nail polish better than me.
I swear mine chip within an hour.
Mine chip enough on their own.
Way better than me too. Suzy Eddie Izzard was the screen name given for the last show I saw her in.
If he’s looking for a date I’d be more than happy to kiss this gentleman at midnight.