In today’s episode of “cute cat videos that don’t show much of a cat in them,” the intrepid Mr. Kitters declines a walk-on role in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and nopes on up to the roof, where he examines shingles and inspects gutters until it’s safe to come down.
Is this why cats think they own the world?
(The neighbors hedge earns the “Excellence in Trimming” award!)
Don’t they?
As a cat owner, I may not need to see this or other potentially dangerous places they go.
Thankfully, we’re not watching him going all technicolor Leatherface on the neighborhood robins and we don’t have to call the fire dept or have the neighbors complain about a peeping tom (cat).
“Nopes on up to the roof”? LOVE it!
The snowflakes increase the appeal of this.
Me too!!!!
I love seeing kitty whiskers from that perspective!
Kitteh is utterly fearless.