Since it’s the Bunday before we open our presents, let’s just take a peek at what’s inside our bunny stocking! (update: Ooo! Found more bunnies!)

Christmas Card, by coalybunny, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Christmas Bun 1, by Digapony, licensed under CC BY 2.0

reindeer bunny, by torisan3500
And reader Holly H. shares this sleepy bunny who was totally going to stay awake to catch Santa Claus this year, honest:
The ears on Albus are amusing! Kudos to getting him in the outfit, tho I hear those giant buns are pretty chill☺️
Always thought I’d have a giant bun eventually, but not so far.
💙Blueberry!!💙 I follow her on instagram. She is such an adorable bun!
My first bun, Kira, used to LOVE the Christmas tree and would spend a lot of time under it,
napping and chewing—yes, it was real! I have found real trees call to bunnies to chew them.😉 Good thing they can’t climb them like cats!
So many buns!!
Amy Sedaris was on Seth Meyers talking about her pet rabbit, Tina (who was a boy), who passed away, and she tells a story about suggesting to her brother that she can watch other people’s rabbits, and he said “you can call it the Hare B&B!”
Amy and David together must be such a laugh riot.
She is pure chaos whenever she’s on with Seth.
Aw Albus’ ear! He sure could give the basset puppies from a few days ago a run for their money.
*ears – plural
Mom! The antlers are getting in my way!
Love these buns so much. If bunnies fit better into my world, I’d get a Giant one in a hot minute!