In the ever-escalating struggle of cats against dogs, will technology tip the balance? Unable to counter the dog’s speed or strength, cats have developed Anti-Doggo Omnidirectional Robot Cat (aDORC), which can withstand a bite force of 200 PSI, launch distracting tennis balls at a rate of five per second, and comes equipped with a high-frequency transmitter that can broadcast “It’s time for your bath” that only dogs can hear.

With such fearsome weaponry, the cats hope to turn the tide of the battle and bring about lasting peace… if they can figure out how to turn it on.

lol…the original caption has one of the cats saying, “Oh no, this generator is completely messed up.”
I have no doubt that this is exactly what is going on here!
aDORC! 🤣
It’s always a bad motivator LOL!!