Cat and lynx friends, woman saves homeless kitten, missing dog rings doorbell, and baby capybara.
Different size and species can’t stop these cats from being best friends
YouTube, via Karen F.
And finally: Dreaming Like Dumbo
Andrew Y. shares a capybara with floppy ears.
Those baby capybara ears
byu/gbpc inEyebleach
Capy ears look like the zen version of flippety hippo ears.
My same thought! Like the Safari Cruise at Disneyland–you’re only in trouble if they wiggle their ears.
Also those flippy ears made me squee.
DED 😵 from wiggly baby capybara ears!!
Vote for which of the 4 names you like. Voting ends tomorrow!
I stoated!
I voted Juniper.
I voted!
More pygmy hippos in the world can only be a good thing.
Wheeeee I cast my vote for this darling blub.
Cat and lynx friendship is amazing to watch.
I saw Seven’s story yesterday, kudos to the homeless man for giving him up so he could be helped, I just home he can also get help for himself.
Happy baby capybara ears makes everything better.
^ All of the above.
I wish it were as easy to help people as it is to help cats.
That would be amazing!
The earsies! The earsies!!!
There’s still one day left but …
What a lot of great pups!!!
I can’t imagine not knowing if someone is real or with you, that is the stuff of horror movies.
We really do not deserve dogs! (I can’t imagine staying with someone thru fire and with injuries.)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ to all!
Amazing video! My heart is so warm after watching it. Dogs truly are a miracle and the best good boy heroes.
He also did his personal top 5 favorites:
DYING over here. I love Matt’s top 5 so much.
I’m not sure that the black kitty is impressed by this
I know…the look on his face when the dog knocks him over. “WTH man?”
Amazing dogs with amazing hearts.
Late to the party as I actually had to go to work, in an office!, today. Defiintely a shock to the system. Thank goodness for all the cuteness to keep me going. Love, love, LOOOOVVVEE the flippy cappy earsies. Athena is the bestest present that family got this Christmas. So smart too, to ring the doorbell.
Dusja kneading on Linda’s back!!!! There goes my brain. The two of them are just lovely together.
Seven and his people just blew me away. Hoping that the unhoused man gets into a better situation soon. Seven’s drool was hilarious–my boys can be happy droolers.