Put’er there, pal. The name’s Thumpley, Vern Thumpley, assistant sales manager for Crun-Chee-Cut Carrot Company, damn glad to meet ya.

He’s got my business, Andrew Y.
Put’er there, pal. The name’s Thumpley, Vern Thumpley, assistant sales manager for Crun-Chee-Cut Carrot Company, damn glad to meet ya.
He’s got my business, Andrew Y.
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Omg, his little sweater!
(The caption on the original post says “It’s Peter Rabbit 🥰”)

Peter Rabbit was my immediate thought. Though I must say I’d also buy a cut carrot from Vern.
I would buy up all his stock and then let him eat them, too!
Same here. I wonder if it’s a Halloween costume!
He DOES look like Peter Rabbit! My sister is a huge fan of Beatrix Potter since childhood, and has all her books! This little bun is just too perfect! 😘🐰
Whatever he’s selling, I’m buying.
That paw!!!!!
As a long-time follower/lurker, I’d like to step out of the shadows for a second with a question: could Mr. Vern Thumpley here be called both a bunny and a rabbit, or is there a difference between the two? Obviously I could do an easy search and find some answers, but I thought it would be much more fun to consult with the Bunday expertise here. (I’ve already learned about things like binkies and flops!)
According to How Stuff Works, “As it turns out, both terms are correct since they are just different names for the same animal. The term “bunny” is more colloquial and informal, while the word “rabbit” is more scientific and formal.”
But “Peter Bunny” just doesn’t sound quite right.
A rabbit eats the flowers off my pansies. A bunny wouldn’t do that.
Trust me, s/he would, given the chance!😉
Do bunnies resist getting dressed the way that cats do? This little one looks perfectly relaxed, but I wonder what happened before the camera did its thing.
As some cats don’t mind dressing up there are some buns that don’t mind either.
Almost forget to mention but the exhibition I went to yesterday (https://www.sdmart.org/exhibition/wonders-of-creation-art-science-and-innovation-in-the-islamic-world/) was fantastic. It was even better in person, pictures don’t do it justice. The level of craftsmanship and details was amazing even on everyday items like stirrups and bowls and hookahs. Even the paintings/pictures and the script in the books were so detailed. I really don’t how they did all the minute details, the painter must have used brushes with 2 hairs. I know I would have gone blind attempting that work.
Learned one astounding, who’d have thunk fact. There is a cyanotype technique invented by Sir John Herschel where the surface of the canvas is treated with potassium ferricyanide and ferric ammonium citrate. When exposed to MOONLIGHT, the red iron changes into blue. 😱😮🤯🤯 I’ve heard of sunlight being used to exposure pictures but never moonlight affecting a change. What a concept!
Afterwards the Japanese garden was pretty even with few to no flowers blooming. There’s so much to see at the park, I’m glad I have a year pass. Now to decide next week’s museum.
The online exhibit looks amazing! I’m glad you got to see it. I’m very curious about this moonlight cyanotype. I’ll go a-googlin’…
Okay – my mind is officially blown! John Hershel is the son of William Hershel who discovered Uranus (which he named after himself until the rest of the European astronomical community said – nope. ‘All planets are named after greek gods, this one you discovered is no exception, hence forth it shall be known as Uranus. true story). But anywayz… I made an artists’ book using cyaotypes and the main theme is the universe…
Luv Bunny, are you here?
For awhile, I’ve just been looking at the website & sometimes reading the comments. I didn’t want to read anymore political stuff from any side, anywhere, it was getting me down, I needed a break. This adorable, absolute cutie, live Peter Rabbit is too much! We could put a tiny State Farm shirt on our one bun but not any of the others.
Just glad you are okay👍🏼
Lurking is definitely allowed😉
Ditto – glad you are here and okay 🥰
Thanks, even though I don’t always comment, I will get back to catching up with everyone’s funny, insightful, happy, sad, clever, life’s ups and downs and helpful comments.
Thank goodness you’re ok. I got desperate enough to ask Mike to try and contact you.
Peeps, if you’re taking a time out, please let us know that. We are family, and we worry about us.
Pretty sure that i just heard the ghost of Beatrix Potter squeal.