You can’t believe the morning I’ve had! That dog across the street was barking nonstop again, and woke me up halfway through my morning nap! Took me almost five entire minutes to get back to sleep again, and now I’m exhausted.

Sage, by, licensed under CC BY 2.0
I need that hug!
Sending that hug to the residents of Los Angeles and their pets…
It’s so scary to watch. One of the youtubers I watch is in LA so I was wondering about him (and his dog). He put up a video earlier and said he was fine, but he showed his view of one of the fires and said he’s only about a mile away. If the wind blew in a different direction his place could be gone, too. Another one (who I didn’t know was there as well) showed the things they had laid out in the living room ready to grab if they needed to get out.
On NPR I saw before and after pics and it’s just devastating. I can’t even imagine going thru that.☹️
Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC did a video the other day with the title “This is the night my home might burn down” (he was in NY at his other home; I assume his job is based in NY so he has a place there). Then there’s a video from yesterday where he mentions that his house is okay for now but it’s on the edge of the burned area. That video was titled something like “this is a hurricane with fire” (instead of rain).
I saw some before and afters, too, and the aerial views of entire neighborhoods now just smoldering grids of charred remains of houses. I also saw a video where they went with Milo Ventimiglia to his house, which is mostly just a pile of ashes along with the rest of the neighborhood (ironically, also the fate of his character’s house in This Is Us). He and his wife have a baby due soon, too. They had all the stuff ready to bring the baby home and it’s all gone. So many big name celebrities losing homes, but at least they presumably have money to recover. Other people won’t be so lucky.
No, there will be lots of unlucky regular people. Too bad the many people with millions+ dollars in that area won’t help everyone. There are some seriously rich people there that should be more than “helping”.
Jamie Lee Curtis donated a million dollars, which is great, but that’s not going to go very far given the scale of things. (How many of those houses were individually worth more than that?)
I’m happy to report that my family in LA are all okay, although a relation by marriage had to evacuate. I don’t know yet whether he has a home to go back to. Same for a friend, who thank goodness evacuated safely with all her dogs (all rescues)—I don’t yet know where she’s staying and whether her home was salvaged.
I’ve had a very anxious couple of days, so every time a friend or acquaintance checks in and lets me know they’re alive, it’s a blessing for me as well as—obviously!—them.
Some of the folks I’m working with right now in NYC are based in LA. It sounds like their homes were spared, but they, too, must have been worried sick.
Sorry, kitty, you’re cute, but your problems don’t impress me right now.
Friend is back home with her dogs. No power, but hanging in.
life is so-o-o-o hard.
when i got up i definitely upset my cat who was using me like a hot water bottle. and then i wouldn’t let her sleep on my work laptop since I’m working from home so the poor thing is now shivering because I won’t turn on her heating pad past ‘LOW’ and only turn it on for an hour at a time.
I feel for your kitty! Clearly being “abused.”
I would so hug the cutie in this photo.
You should get kitty this
I have them for my puppers and when it’s cold, they snuggle down in there and I can’t almost get them out for walks and meals. There’s a reflective mylar sheet (same as what they use for outdoor uses) in between the fuzzy pieces.
That looks awesome!
They kind of imply that this is for two legged friends.
Will check it out, thanks!
Looks like it’d be more of a lap blanket for a human (the larger size is a little under 3 feet). Still….tempting.
I dunno,
could be cozy for this:
Hmm…I do need a new bed…
Pobrecita! Que peña!😉
Me, too, kitty, me, too.
I think we’re all like kitty today. I was woken up about 1 am either by my neighbor coming home or the winds kicked in and were banging his gate. Luckily the winds down here aren’t bad but seeing what’s north of me is scary. Our rescue orgs are going up to LA area and bringing back animals to free up space in the LA shelters plus the orgs are asking for foster homes so they can bring down more. Praying for everybody and crossing fingers that the fires are soon contained. The last few days everytime I hear a fire truck or a helicopter, I’m flinching wondering if it’s our turn now.
I was thinking about you last evening, hoping everything in your area was okay. Stay safe.
The California situation is just horrifying, and misinformation about it makes everything uglier.
I was thinking about you, too. I didn’t think you were in that area but I wasn’t sure how far away you were.
That sounds awful.
Hoping that it doesn’t come to that.
AJ, where are you? I’m glad your local rescues are in a position to help. I have a shockingly bad memory, so I didn’t remember you were on the west coast. Sending good luck vibes your way.
Replace “dog” with “neighbor with loud-ass car engine” and “morning nap” with “sometime in the dark hours of the morning” and kitty is me. Took me more than five minutes to go back to sleep, too, I’m sure.