Maybe I’m getting old or something, but I swear things aren’t the way they used to be. The catnip was stronger, food tasted better… I mean, take these cheese puffs, for example — they used to have some flavor back in the day, and now… nothing!

_DSC2117, by tompagenet, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
I sure hope his human took that away from him right after the photo!
I know some of them are now made from corn and potato starch and a supposed to be edible but I sudder to think what it could do to the cat digestive system 💩
Hopefully kitty realized they don’t taste like cheese and didn’t actually eat any.
One of my old ladies, Chiaro, didn’t care that they didn’t taste like Cheetos so I could only let her play in her Peanut Pit while supervised.
I identify!
Larry’s looking mighty good for 18! Obviously taking his duties seriously, too.
After a internet search:
Shoot! 18 is 88 cat years!! He deserves retirement👍🏼
I deserve retirement, but I wouldn’t enjoy it.
I deserve retirement and I would definitely enjoy it!
Larry, Maru, and my Sevi all turn 18 this year.
I simply adore Larry and the paparazzi are respectful, as they should be.
Don’t tell this kitty about Cadbury eggs getting smaller.