Are you aware that today is Penguin Awareness Day? To help you get the most from Penguin Awareness Day, here is a penguin for you to be aware of.

Antarctica penguin, by szeke, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
To further your penguin awareness, enjoy this shy penguin chick getting some confidence.
And if that wasn’t enough awareness, here are three hours of penguins with relaxing music.
In the movie, why is baby penguin making those calling sounds? Help? Be friends? The other baby penguins aren’t doing this. ??
I have a work friend who is totally enamored with penguins! Collects all penguin things. Always think of him when I see penguins.😊
I dunno, 6Rabbits. If a big beak pulled me out of my feather bed and plunked my bare bottom down on the ice, I think I’d be making funny noises, too.
Tru dat👍🏼
Can’t wait to become friends with that bebeh penguin. I’m never NOT aware of them!
Love this, and the Dave Barry vibe. Feels cold enough for penguins where I live, so it’s good there are none nearby. I would be tempted to bring one inside, so I could snuggle and be warm.
Excuse me…may I get through please?
Ermagerd, so CUTE! Squee!
Obligatory Benedict Cumberbatch reference:
One of my favorite things!🤣😂
Now TWO of mine! I hadn’t seen this before and I’m crying with laughter.
Okay now I’m confused, how is he pronouncing it wrong?
(English is not my first language, mind you).
He says Penwing, Pengling, pretty much everything but Penguin (PEN-gwinn).
I hope that helps …
I want to be followed by a leetle penguin!
yes me too
Am I the only person who didn’t know penguins (penwings) had pouches?
I don’t think it’s a pouch like that. I couldn’t find anything on-line. I think it’s just the babies sit on their parent’s feet, and then the parent pulls down the stomach flap over them.
Okay, time for all to make a big group date to see March of the Penguins!
Poor penguin chick!
Depending on the background music, this could be either a tragic movie or a very funny flick 😁