Unfortunately — or perhaps fortunately — the cultists’ attempt to summon Uth-hork K’bonng, Celestial Traveler from Beyond Space and Time and Ever-Hungering Devourer of Souls, could produce only P’tarr, Unholy Devourer of Vegetable Gardens.

Lettuce prey, Andrew Y.
Oh, that reminds me, I need to finish the salad in the fridge..
Devourer of veggie gardens can have my veggies. I’m not a fan of veggies but will gladly share with this adorable, cuddly bun.
So – I don’t quite get all the references… but I’m enjoying this nonetheless. Who warned Mr. MacGregor?
I’m off to make some apple pancakes.
Bunny can have all the veggies he wants! I don’t like, so s/he can have all mine too.
I’ve had women in the supermarket comment on how wonderful it is that I have so many veg in my cart! Then I have to disappoint them and say “I have bunnies!” Trust me, when I had 9 buns it was VERY obvious!
And…I have to tell someone! Pretzel always wakes me up cos he wants food too early, but he loves pets and so I half-asleep pet him until my alarm goes off. But this morning I was really asleep and he crept into my under arm area and licked my nose! That and the whiskers really woke me up! Then he laid his head on my chest while I gave him head rubs.💙💙💙💙💙💙🐰🐇🥰
Oh, and “lettuce prey” cracked me up, Mike!😂
I know I shouldn’t be but I’m sooo jealous of you having Pretzel cuddling with you. Bunny kisses are the best, dog licks, cat licks, ferret licks, etc…..
He has actually given me kisses during long petting sessions!
I would let you cuddle him were closer to each other.
I’m jealous too. Sounds like a lovely way to get up.
And I’m still giggling over “lettuce prey.”
oohh bunny cuddles sound lovely! 🥰
My last bun was not the cuddly type and so I can remember each time he let me cuddle. Pretzel is VERY cuddly, as long as he’s being petted! Love him so much💙
Bunny’s little paws 🐾 🐰 🥰
Lettuce prey. Indeed!
Gosh, I’m so dense. Only now am I getting it. Mike, thank you, and lettuce prey indeed.
It’s all fun and games until you accidentally summon the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog…