Welcome to the Caturday open thread! Today’s visitor is Squirt, a stray cat getting love and care from reader Tara O., who adds: “He has been a stray in my yard for a few weeks now. He’s a little scared but very friendly, food motivated, and knows I will feed him and give him skritches.”

Welcome, Squirt! I, too, am food motivated.
And skritches. 😛
Same here. Food and scritches. Maybe some petpets.
Hi all. I had yesterday off so I woke up thinking it was Bunday. Thank goodness it’s not.
Jeopardy clue from Tuesday:
$200: A 2007 Time article apologized for confusing “LOLcats” with this feline-posting tradition, a day of the week portmanteau
The beavers are still working hard.
I would like to take Simon for a walk.
I have faith that Weston will get that stick. And then rule Britain, I guess.
where do I get one of those money seeking dogs! $50 is not too shabby!
Right? “No, I will not leave it! Not in this economy!” (He needs the money for his fancy coats, after all.)
I like the “polite puppy tippy-taps” as he waits for dinner!
That just about killed me.
Thank dog for We Rate Dogs. They bring love, laughter, and emotional support just like the dogs do!
Awww – sweet little Squirt! He comes and goes. Last night he was waiting for me when I got home. And yep – he is skritches motivated too! I thought I had convinced a co-worker to take him this week. Her husband is set on their next cat being a Tuxie. Well, wish granted! But she said there were some other considerations and since then I haven’t heard anything. So if you can send her some motivational take-the-cat good vibes (she’s in New Jersey), I would be grateful. 😊
Very full weekend. This morning I need to make Valentines and drop them in the mail. I’m also going to print a load of “DO SOMETHING!” postcards and send them out. Then I need to do lesson plans and shopping, and *then* I can finally start a swatch on my new mittens! My Stitch & Bitch is doing a loose Knit-a-long where we are all doing some sort of stranded mittens. The Latvian pattern I picked has three colors, yikes! I’ve watched some very helpful videos, but DebG if you have any advice I’m all ears.
Oh, and there is this really important game happening tomorrow in New Orleans – something involving a team from Philly? …. Every building is lit up in Kelly green. It’s actually very pretty. So at the risk of starting a big (friendly, I hope) fight – Go Birds! 💚💚💚
Have a good weekend all!
I am also in New Jersey so hopefully my take-the-cat vibes will be stronger.
Dear Tara’s Coworker,
As for whatever’s happening tomorrow, GO TEAM FLUFF!! 🐕🐩🐕🦺🐶
Thanks Allein! and yes of course – Go Fluff!
Tara, do all 3 colors show up in the same row/round? And do you knit Continental (picking) or English (throwing)?
You’re reminding me that I haven’t done colorwork in AGES. I just finished my nephew’s super-boring sweater, so it’s time to challenge myself.
Hi DebG, yep – all three colors are in the same row. I’m making these:
I normally knit Continental, but am competent at knitting both. The thing is, my gauge is so vastly different between the two. sigh.
I wish you could join us in our KAL virtually – but from teaching and family I’ve learned that combining live and virtual is yet a bit to bananas. Maybe some day when your hologram can join us in the room ….
Very cool! Love the colors. I can’t knit, but that looks liken extremely difficult pattern!
Gorgeous pattern!
I’ve rarely if ever done 3 colors per round. But I would just lay the 3 strands over my left index finger, like I would for 2-color Fair Isle.
I have seen yarn holding rings that separate the strands of yarn for Continental knitting. Knit Picks has one for a reasonable price, that does more than 2 colors:
Hey! I use one like that in crochet 🧶
How do you use it in crochet? Curious fiber minds…
It’s for keeping different yarns separated. I’ve only done it with two.
I have inherited a few of these and tried them, they seem straight forward and yet… maybe I need to google how to use them. Thanks for the suggestion!
Wish I could join your knitting group too! I haven’t been in a knitting circle for a long time.
We’re sending purr vibes to Squirt’s potential adopter.
Aw thanks!
Matt’s Top 10 Winter Dogs
hmeoscar says: “Just like that, my day is endlessly better for seeing all these babies” and I heartily agree!
Rosie trying to walk without touching the ground!!!!
Hello Squirt, you’re very handsome. And thank you Tara for taking care of him. Who knows he may decide that inside is better than outside.
Not much going on this weekend. Breakfast, then haircut. Finally my stylist is back to work. He had heart surgery and then went back to work and threw out his back. So he’s been recuperating for the last couple months. Besides getting a decent cut, it will be good to see him and see how he’s doing. Hubby will be off dealing with the truck. Went out to dinner and on the way there we had to pull over because one of the tires went flat. Kinda scary driving on the highway and seeng the air pressure go from 34 psi to 24 to 22 to 18 to 13 in a matter of about 10 minutes. Luckily we got off at an exit and made it to a gas station before doing any damage. Good thing we have road assistance through our car insurance. Called them and they sent someone out to put on the spare. After dropping me off, hubby will go to the tire store and have them fix the tire. Tomorrow will be errands and house chores. Enjoy the weekend, and hope it’s not too cold and/or snowy where you are.
I’m glad you’re okay after the flat tire incident. They are not much fun.
A tiny fuzzy watermelon that chirps!?
Oh, how cute! I had no idea bebeh tapirs made lil squeekingks!
This was almost too much cute, Allein!💙
Oh my gosh! this baby is soo sweet!
Where is this magical place and how can I get there? I love tapirs so much. Never heard them “talk” before.
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington.
I’m trying to find words to describe Squirt’s facial expression but the best I can do is “hopeful caution”.
The tense standoff between me and the fence desecrator next door – I’ll call him Dave because I don’t know his real name and suspect him to be the dad of one of the owners – has now entered its tenth day. I feel trapped in my own home waiting to film him committing acts of ivy removal and unauthorised plank addition. On the morning of the 5th (my 65th birthday) someone was cleaning the bathroom at 6.40 but left at 7.00. This morning there were signs of life at 9.30 and someone knocked on my door at 11.00 (which I ignored). It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. I spoke to a solicitor on Friday and hope to get the legal ball rolling on Monday. 😠
I hope everything turns out well for you.
Me three!
And happy belated!
Happy belated birthday, Alice! I feel your pain. Our neighbors, a Romanian pentecostal church (!) cut the wild grape vine that covered and protected our house from the summer heat. It’s been two years and it’s sloooowwwly coming back. But the nerve of some people! Sheesh!
Wishing you all the best, Alice. And a belated happy birthday.
Thanks again, all! I’m beginning to wonder if Dave is going through a Breaking Bad phase – he even looks a bit like Walter White…
Happy birthday, Alice!!
My niece is 13 and has an art exhibit with awards tomorrow. I don’t know what she entered, and darn don’t have any saved on the IPad, but there were 4,000 entries and she has 2 honorable mentions. She has always been a good artist from toddler-hood on. They had a dance today and the ceremony is tomorrow. So pleased for her!
Congrats to her!
Wow! Bravo! I hope you can post some of her work sometime.
Anyone else keep getting an ad with a peeing cartoon cat? It is appearing multiple times, below the post, and between comments. I counted eight!
It’s not a real cat but it’s still kind of gross. I’ve closed several of them and sent “feedback” to google (unfortunately, ‘this is gross and I don’t want to see it’ isn’t an option) but it just comes back when I load the page again.
No.🤔 And that is certainly *weird*.
Nope – I’m getting Spay & Neuter ads for a place in Windermere, TX. Because of course! But that’s a bit to far to take Squirt, I think.
I hope Squirt gets to turn in his feral card soon. Tara, you are a good soul to care for all the strays sent by the cat distribution system.
We had a gorgeous day yesterday, with sunshine and temps nearing 70. Then it snow-rained overnight, and today’s sky is all grey. It was all I could do to force myself outside for errands. But they’re done now, including buying some new succulents to replace the ones that have been dying, and a kalanchoe with bright yellow flowers for my bedroom.
Now I can settle in with yarn, cats, and finishing my taxes. Hugs to you all.
Coming in late after a busy morning.
Squirt, I would take you in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, our council frowns on anything that isn’t a small bird or small fish.
Happy birthday, Alice.
Not a good week. Dad still has nosebleeds, and won’t get cauterization done. I can’t help but wonder if he’s hoping to go in his sleep that way.
Poor little Duckie laid her eighth egg in twenty days, and I am at wits’ end trying to figure out what to do. I’ve changed her food, her cage arrangements and even the amount of daylight and stimulation she receives, but nothing helps. It’s been suggested I put her on hormone shots to put her into menopause, but I won’t do that to her. I’d rather put her to sleep than force her to submit to a whole bunch of shots.
We’ve had snow and bitter winds all week, and it looks to continue for at least another week. I’m trying to keep my spirits up by planning for spring, but it’s hard.
Hopefully, everyone is keeping well.
According to what I’ve read, that’s a lot, especially with cold and shorter days. One site said that if a female hears a male singing she will lay eggs. The other thing causing egg laying is the diet is high in fat, protein and calcium.
Some articles said a cuttlefish bone is necessary to make sure they have calcium for themselves as well as making an egg. That they should also have proper bedding.
It said they need 12-16 hours of light to trigger egg laying. It’s winter, and you are in Canada!, so I wouldn’t think that would be an issue. (But that does include artificial light) One also said room temp for breeding is 15-25 Celsius. (59-77 F)
Nothing I found, in my short time researching!, seemed to think having lots of eggs was a problem.
I’m sorry, but I can see why you are frustrated.
Meet The Girl’s dogs!!
I love the sticking out tongues! Ace and Sprout for the win!👍🏼
Melvin is NAUGHTY! He was just *waiting* for her to get far enough away so he could scarf! Gidget was just following her brother’s moves!😆
You just know there is not a single thought in their little heads.