Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to a very floofy Caturday as reader Sowmya D. shares her beautiful fluffy friends:

Here again we have Princess Ekaterina Velikaya, gazing upon her realm from the top of the cat tree — and Nikolai Devinovich being a weird twisty Orange Boi.

A cat sits atop a platform, looking up through a window
Someday all this will be mine — wait, it already is.
a fluffy cat with ivory fur stretches out on the carpet
You must now say “bi-i-i-i-i-ig stretch!”
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27 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. allein 🐾 March 8, 2025 / 9:06 am

    Happy Caturday, Princess.
    Biiig stretch!

    I have plans to have lunch with a couple friends tomorrow before one of them moves to St. Louis. Also gonna try to do taxes this weekend but I can’t go to my parents’ because my mom is still testing (faintly) positive for covid. My dad said we can try to do it through the remote desktop program so I can connect to his computer. Other than that, just the usual chores but I won’t get around to doing all of them because I never do.

    The dogs were good again, but the top ten wasn’t posted on youtube for some reason. But they did a top 10 on Instagram! I appreciated that they gave me a good laugh with the honorable mention before breaking my heart.

    Instead, on youtube, there’s a whole hour (almost) of good dogs! (Which I haven’t had a chance to watch yet.)
    But first, a preview:

    And the main event:

    • DEBG March 8, 2025 / 10:49 am

      Same reaction here to the honorable mention and the #1 dog. I’m so glad WRD is expanding and reaching a larger audience. Wish they would start a new line for rating cats too.

    • 6rabbit March 8, 2025 / 3:16 pm

      The co-host, Kimmy, ruined this for me. Much Too Loud. It was like she was given uppers. Totally drowned out Matt and what was on the videos. Sad😢

      • allein 🐾 March 8, 2025 / 3:55 pm

        From the preview I had a feeling she might be a bit much. I’m hoping they go back to the usual Friday Top Ten in addition to this show (if not I guess I’ll settle for five on Instagram). An hour is a lot.

        • 6rabbit March 8, 2025 / 6:42 pm

          They said Thursday and Friday there was something.

  2. AJ March 8, 2025 / 9:55 am

    Love, love, LOVE when their royal fluffinesses make an appearance. Such beauty. Such grace … well for at least one of them, lol.

    Not much going on this weekend, just trying to dry out and warm up. We had a few days of very cool and wet weather this week but it’s back to being sunny today. Hubby has blood work this morning then breakfast and after that I’ll probably head to the thrift store. Need to find some jeans, and maybe some tops. Tomorrow will be errands and chores around the house. Maybe also play with my paints too. I think I figured out why the last painting didn’t come out the way I wanted – I need to work on my shadowing technique. So I’ll spend some time experimenting. Have a good weekend all and for those in the US don’t forget to “Spring Ahead” tonight.

  3. Dana March 8, 2025 / 10:23 am

    What gorgeous, floofy kitties!!

  4. DEBG March 8, 2025 / 10:42 am

    Really impressive floofage, Sowmya! Your babies are gorgeous. Is the cat tree for Ekaterina in a sun porch? What a lovely bright room that must be on less overcast days.

    I’m headed out for a haircut in a few minutes, then errands and a treat-yoself breakfast at a restaurant! This is the first week I’ve had some energy, after a solid month of coughing, so I need to pace myself. But I should still be able to finish up some knitting projects and get started weaving my new rug. Might even get some more warping and weaving videos up on my Youtube channel.

    Hugs to you all.

  5. Duckie 🐥 March 8, 2025 / 11:33 am

    Ugh. I can’t really tell what day it is, but the headlines say Caturday, so it must be the weekend.
    Dad spent yesterday in emergency with BP over 200. Nosebleeds Thursday. I’ve been contacting extended family behind his back, just in case.
    Niece’s baby is due on Tuesday. I am hurrying to remake that baby blanket.
    Sowmya, I would love to stretch out in the sun with your gorgeous fur babies and take a nice long nap.
    Off to adult some more. Please have a great weekend, everyone.

    • 6rabbit March 8, 2025 / 3:18 pm

      Prayers for your Dad.

      • Duckie 🐥 March 8, 2025 / 4:32 pm

        Thank you.

  6. Georgiana March 8, 2025 / 12:17 pm

    Beautiful fluffy Princess!

    We’re changing to daylight saving time on Sunday March 9th but in practice before we go to bed tonight we have to move the clocks one hour ahead. I hate this so much, it messes up my sleep pattern for days. There might have been a good reason way back when it was put in place but it’s just stupid now and I wish the Government of Canada would just stop waiting for the U.S. to make up it’s mind and just do away with it.

    Sorry to be so cranky it’s been a hard week with a lot of back pain and a migraine as a bonus, I’m taking it easy just doing some laundry today.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

    • 6rabbit March 8, 2025 / 3:19 pm

      Understand the back pain.💙

  7. Alice Shortcake March 8, 2025 / 12:32 pm

    I really needed that fluffy fabulousness because 2025 is really giving 2020 a run for it’s money in the Dumpster Fire department. My bank recently messed up a transfer of money from a matured bond to my current account, leaving me with insufficient funds to carry out the last big renovation project – reslating the roof – at least without postponing other things I’d hoped to get out of the way this year. Yesterday I checked the new loft conversion for the first time in a couple of weeks and was dismayed to find some minor water damage, so the work needs doing NOW.

    Then…on Thursday I found out how much I’ll have to pay for the extensive work my dental plan won’t cover. For two root canal fillings and a replacement bridge: £2400. I had to explain that I’d get back to them when I’m in a position to afford it, which could be months. The only bright spot in my visit to this very upmarket dentist was an adorable apricot poodle who sat on his owner’s knee and was allowed to accompany him into the surgery!

    My bank will be getting a visit from me on Monday morning. 😠😠😠

    • 6rabbit March 8, 2025 / 3:24 pm

      Ouch, To the dental fees!

    • 6rabbit March 8, 2025 / 3:25 pm

      Truly! Love their fur!

  8. Sowmya March 8, 2025 / 3:48 pm

    My guys made the Caturday Cute!! (I told them – they looked at me as though to say “But of course…”)
    Cleaned part of the house this morning, then ran across town to a friend’s place – she’s making costumes for the Indian dance company I’m with. Wow, the high standards of a professional!! These may be stage costumes but they are so beautiful (and beautifully done) they could be worn to an Indian wedding!
    And tonight I’m taking my mom to the ballet – Jekyll & Hyde! It’s going to be very interesting.

    Hugs and purrs to everyone who needs it. And even if you don’t – well, Nikolai Devinovich says you’re getting purrs.

  9. allein 🐾 March 8, 2025 / 3:49 pm

    So my friend put our lunch on the wrong day in her calendar and made other plans for tomorrow morning. Oops. We were supposed to have brunch at 11 but now we’re doing a later lunch at 2:30 at a different place (because the brunch place closes at 3). But my dad and I tested out the remote desktop thing and my taxes are done. I was hoping to take a walk but it’s in the 40s and feels like 30s because it’s been so windy. I think I will do a video workout in the living room because I don’t feel like being cold. I have only missed one and a half days of my walking (or other movement) for an hour a day challenge (one day I did about half an hour around the house because it was getting late and I was tired after a scary drive home in the rain); yesterday I just…didn’t).

    Mom still testing positive for covid; Dad is negative but not going to church tomorrow just to be safe.

    For our fiber-arts-and-crafts folks:

    • Duckie 🐥 March 8, 2025 / 4:34 pm

      I was expecting a wooly mouse.

      • allein 🐾 March 8, 2025 / 5:14 pm

        He posted that before we saw that story…

    • DEBG March 8, 2025 / 7:09 pm

      How very wonderful! Knitting in Public is a thing.

  10. tara March 8, 2025 / 6:27 pm

    Hi All happy Caturday – omg Sowmya – your cats are gorgeous! Such fluffy beautiful kitties.

    I had a horrible week. It started last Saturday with my windshield being smashed by someone with a brick. Yes, someone, the brick was still there, no residual dents. On Sunday night my former neighbor, who was very good to me, was murdered. The rest will sound trivial in comparison, except its my life… a student submitted a horrible complaint about me. 18 years of teaching and yes, of course there have been students with whom I have clashed. Of course! But they waited until course reviews. This complaint was way over the top – and most of it not true and the rest exaggerated. And then some major nonsense at work. (I have a full time job and teach one class adjunct). I was so emotionally raw, that when it came to the work issue, I over reacted and lost it on my boss. I wasn’t able to go the funeral for my neighbor because I didn’t get notice in time. He was 48 years old. So good to the people in his life. Just had a long talk with his step mother, also my neighbor, who basically raised him and his three siblings. It’s really devastating.

    Thank goodness for therapists. Spent two hours today with her. I rented a car and ran all the errands I needed today. Tomorrow’s plan; stay at home, cats on lap, knitting.

    Poor scary kitty who doesn’t know how to be scary. Maybe he’s part Maori? I will catch up with y’all tomorrow. I’m ordering take out now.

    • 6rabbit March 8, 2025 / 6:52 pm

      OMG😳 Murdered!? I am so sorry for you and his family! Prayers and bunny kisses your way!
      With teaching, all it takes is one outlandish complaint and it’s like those in charge don’t remember the great job you were doing for all those years before. As an elementary teacher I have had some wack-a-doodle parents!

    • AJ March 8, 2025 / 7:08 pm

      And I thought my week was rough. I’m so sorry for everything that you went through. Hopefully the complaint is dismissed and the car fixed, both quickly. Try to keep the good memories of your friend and not dwell too much on how he died. Sending and lots of hugs and healing thoughts.

    • allein 🐾 March 8, 2025 / 7:35 pm

      Oh, wow, that’s a lot. So sorry for the loss of your friend. Sending hugs.

  11. DEBG March 8, 2025 / 7:11 pm

    Sending out lots and lots of hugs and purrs for everyone. I’m very sorry about health woes, financial snafus, loss of beloved friends, and cranky students.

    I do not like this year. It’s not a good year.

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