Weekend Open Thread

We have some new visitors to the chat room this Caturday, and here’s reader Candi G. to introduce them:

Handsome dudes Griffey (tiny fluff ball) and Ichi (flame point) were recently adopted separately from our local shelter. They immediately became BFFs.

Two cats cuddling together photographed from overhead
We complement each other perfectly!
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22 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. allein 🐾 March 15, 2025 / 9:11 am

    Aww, welcome, new kitties! I would love to cuddle with them…it’s kinda dreary here right now; cloudy today and maybe rain tomorrow and Monday, though not too cold, at least. Today’s my brother’s birthday. Going to my parents’ house and getting pizza, apparently, assuming my mom is still testing negative for covid. We were supposed to go out but she’s still coughing.

    The dogs were very good, but it seems the top 10 on YouTube has been replaced by the hour-long podcast. So I will have to settle for the top 5 on Instagram until I have time to watch the full thing (still haven’t watched the first episode).

    • Georgiana March 15, 2025 / 12:09 pm

      I miss the top 10 on YouTube, I watched the first podcast and did not really enjoy it, too much talking and “joking”.

      • 6rabbit March 15, 2025 / 12:23 pm


      • allein 🐾 March 15, 2025 / 12:38 pm

        Yeah, honestly the preview and some comments from last week haven’t made me feel in any hurry to watch. Also the fact that it’s an hour…

    • DEBG March 15, 2025 / 12:44 pm

      Amazing pups. The corgi race had me in tears.

    • tara March 15, 2025 / 1:25 pm

      Aw Sharwood – what a gooboi!
      um, are we sure that wasn’t Olivia Colman as “Emma” – Sizzles owner?

    • 6rabbit March 15, 2025 / 9:34 am

      Especially liked #9 Halo and #6 Willie☺️😊👍🏼

    • DEBG March 15, 2025 / 12:45 pm

      Will save this for later, when I need a good cry.

  2. 6rabbit March 15, 2025 / 9:12 am

    I think it’s so great when shelter cats make buddies💙 These too are quite handsome!
    We had torrential rains during the night, power even flickered. Supposed to have 35 mph winds today, but calm now.
    Nothing much going on, got chores😖to do. Found a new crochet person on YouTube who gives really great instructions! She showed how to make a Tunisian patchwork blanket and now I want to make one. But still got 2 projects in the works first.
    Have a great weekend!👍🏼

  3. AJ March 15, 2025 / 10:34 am

    So gorgeous! And they look like they’re already plotting things.

    We finally have a break in the rain. Fingers crossed we dry out a little before the next storm comes in. It was so cold and rained all day yesterday. And it was that very fine rain that’s a step above mist but still soaks into everything and just makes you damp and miserable. Then the night before we had howling winds that made the windows rattle. Wild week for weather in SoCal.

    Hubby comes home from a work trip today. Yeah, can’t wait to see him. Will run a few errands before he gets here and then tomorrow, we’ll have lunch with my former boss and her husband. I was going to try and get to the museums today but it’s been a long week and I just want to putter. Have a good weekend everyone.

  4. Alice Shortcake March 15, 2025 / 10:57 am

    Aww…when your best friend can also be used as a footrest, pillow, and possibly mattress!

    I’m still reeling from the events of the past couple of days. Quite a few slates parted company with the roof, and I noticed some minor water damage in the loft conversion and around the hearth (the chimney was blocked off long ago) in the dining room. The emergency repair and renovation work cost me £5200, which almost wiped out the money I recently transferred to my current account to pay for the last small jobs on the house and perhaps the dental work I mentioned recently. I’m now faced with the prospect of spending the last year before I qualify for a state pension living very, VERY frugally.

    • 6rabbit March 15, 2025 / 11:06 am

      Totally understand! Very similar situation, but I’ve got 2 yrs.

  5. Duckie 🐥 March 15, 2025 / 12:00 pm

    Between the tears and the rain, Cutetropolis seems to be having a wet weekend.
    All is quiet on this western front. Taxes done (or misdone), and we are planning how to use hubby’s refund. Hopefully not in paying MY taxes. 🤨
    I will spend the weekend finishing up baby stuff for niece. If she doesn’t deliver by Tuesday, she’s going to be induced. Then I have a wedding gift quilt to make, and then I can start working on Christmas presents!
    The doctors keep discovering new things wrong with my dad, and we are getting frustrated. Now he’s taking heart medicine, and being assessed for hypertension. This, plus the chronic nose bleeds and increasing liver problems, has us completely off balance. The ONLY good thing that is coming from this is that my parents seem to be growing closer to each other.
    Quiet but busy week ahead. Starting seedlings, sewing, trying to spring clean without disturbing Her Tiny Highness, and dealing with the weather.
    Have a great weekend, everyone, and stay dry.

    • 6rabbit March 15, 2025 / 12:07 pm

      Tell Her Tiny Highness “Hi!”😘🐦
      I hope you got your taxes fixed! When are they due in Canada?
      I’m very sorry for your dad. I know personally how difficult this can be. I’m glad your parents seem to be growing closer, tho. Prayers.

  6. Georgiana March 15, 2025 / 12:27 pm

    Griffey and Ichi are both beautiful and seem to really like each other which is a wonderful thing when you adopt two cats separately.

    Weather has been good here and the snow is finally starting to melt Spring is close!

    I’m doing laundry today but I have to go out tomorrow to look for new curtains for the living room because the ones I bought last year don’t block enough light.
    My living room faces West so when the sun sets the light is directly in my eyes, I MacGyvered something last summer but I want a better solution this year.

    That’s it for me, hope everyone has a good weekend.

    • 6rabbit March 15, 2025 / 12:55 pm

      “ MacGuyvered”👍🏼😁

  7. DEBG March 15, 2025 / 12:51 pm

    Candi, your new babies are simply fantastic. Such gorgeous babies. I’m happy for all of you.

    Sorry for everybody’s funky weather, health worries, and unexpected expenses. Worrying can be so exhausting! So I’m sending all the purrs from all my cats to our Cutetropolis community.

    I am finally over my cough, and my energy has recovered. Last evening’s cardio workout felt great–words I never expected to say! I need to post a few more warping videos on YouTube, plus I need to film one on fixing a threading mistake without taking everything out. Yes, I started playing with my warped loom last weekend and immediately noticed a mistake. So I walked away from that project for a week. Hopefully I can really start weaving today. Since the project is so small, it should go very quickly.

    Hugs and soothing purrs to you all.

    • tara March 15, 2025 / 1:29 pm

      Oh my gosh, after all that work, a mistake must just make you throw your hands in the air. I made a tiny mistake on two stitches in my mittens, didn’t notice for four more rows. It’s not really possible too frog these because I’ll drop things for sure. So I’ve decided to live with it. But I’m being super careful from here on out! Good luck with the fix.

  8. tara March 15, 2025 / 1:21 pm

    Awww, welcome boys! You are both so beautiful. I wish my cats had bonded that way, but I think Jacques saw Swee’Pea as an interloper. Butch and Jacques have a better relationship but they draw the line at cuddling.

    I have wasted the morning knitting and binging Someone Somewhere. Its totally overcast here, so I can’t tell what time it is. I need to get up and do a deep clean. Last night I spooked a mouse who ran behind the kitchen faucet and slipped down between the counter and the wall. After the deep clean the boys will be lined up and reminded of their job description. Good grief. 🤣

    Better week for me. At work next week, we are receiving an enormous collection (over 600 boxes), and we spent the week moving as much as possible to make room in one space for all of it. It really wipes you out!

    Sending lots of good thoughts to everyone. 💚💚💚

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