For weeks, Roland planned the caper in meticulous detail. The tour bus stopped every day at exactly 2:17. While his accomplices created a distraction, he would sneak up behind the tourists, grab the item and run. It was supposed to be the perfect crime — but alas, he had overlooked one small detail.

Temple Monkey, by D-Stanley, licensed under CC BY 2.0
C’mere, monkey, I’ll open it for you.
Come on you’re a smart primate. figure it out!
Iām betting if anyone could figure it out, a monkey could!
Maybe he needs 10 more friends for a successful caper.
LOL! This sounds exactly like a guenon monkey I met in Kenya. He waited right by the bus stop, working his “Look how cute I am!” magic. My sister not-so-wisely tossed him a few chunks of bread from a loaf she had, but he was having none of such paltry handouts. He ran up, snatched the loaf from her, tucked it under his arm like a football, and ran off on his 2 hind legs just like he was making a mad dash for the end zone. It was so funny, we couldn’t even be mad, although we did end up being hungry.
I could definitely not be mad at him.
I once had a seagull steal a Tastykake Koffee Kake from me at the beach. (I was a little mad.)