Even in the solitude of her boudoir, a lady of refinement will always leave a little something to the imagination.

Tia, a Dachshund puppy, by M McBey, licensed under CC BY 2.0
Even in the solitude of her boudoir, a lady of refinement will always leave a little something to the imagination.
Tia, a Dachshund puppy, by M McBey, licensed under CC BY 2.0
Paint me like one of your French Poodle.
You beat me to it… 🐩
Well I never!
Clutching couch and fainting beads, stat!
Somebody get the smelling salts! 🫣
Coming up on General Veterinary, will Tina’s husband find out if those rumors about her and Mr. Beauregard are *gasp* true??? Are her puppies his?? Stay tuned tomorrow.
What a gorgeous pupper! So cute and dainty!
LOVE Dachshunds So Much!!💗💙
That is one of the cutest pups I have ever seen.
I would LOVE to collect all the Specifically General Hospital and pearl clutching episodes, and put them into one story. If I ever go back to finish my English Major, Mike, you and I are going to rule!