Happy Caturday! Today’s visitor comes from reader N. Fritz, who shares not only this handsome portrait but a generous look into what can only be called the best cat life ever:
Mutz (rhymes with “puts”) is getting on in years… he is probably 18 years old, according to the vet. He is still an indoor-outdoor cat. He spends a lot of time sleeping indoors, but now that spring is here, he’s spending more time outside, sleeping in sunny spots in the garden.
A day in his life: When we get up in the morning, he is waiting at the door to be let in for breakfast.
If my BF has to open a new can of cat food, Mutz inspects the opening of the can. He usually gets a bit of butter when my BF makes breakfast. On weekends he gets 3 small pieces of ham. When he’s had enough, my BF shows Mutz an empty hand, and he somehow understands.
Mutz’ favorite activities during the day include: looking out the window, going outside, coming inside, inspecting the cellar, inspecting the attic, playing with the doorstop, waiting on the windowsill until one of us leaves so he can get a snack stick, hanging out in the garden, waiting for us to come home, greeting us at the front gate, escorting us to the door (although he is often distracted by tasty grass), sleeping on the couch in my office, sleeping til 3:00 am, then waking us up to let him outside with a serving of kibble.
When we get up in the morning, he is waiting at the door to be let in for breakfast…

Happy Caturday! Not much going on. Partly cloudy today but rain tomorrow maybe? Almost certainly Monday…I actually want it to rain because they came to fix the dripping downspout outside my window the other day so now I need it to rain so I can see if they actually fixed it. Need to do some laundry and whatnot. And I have to work tomorrow. But…
The Top 10 Dogs of the Week is back! And they were good! 🥰
Plus: Olive & Mabel in the garden again, searching for the fabled biscuit tree.
OMG—I must have Oreo! Cute baby Dachshund streeeeetches!😘 Chalupa is such a good pal! Treats forever💗
I love Olive and Mabel’s garden—so many arresting plants to admire!
Thanks for always posting these Allein!
I may need to fight you for Oreo.
Pippa is living my lifestyle goal.
Andrew’s garden washed away lots of the stress from the past week.
6rabbit, I will fight you for Oreo. I screamed when his mom’s hand appeared and I saw how tiny he was.
Hey, I called him first! So adorable!
Brodie’s uncle isn’t the smartest knife in the drawer
No, not at all. I laughed until my sides ached.
I agree that Mutz seems to be living the best cat life!
Last week was it felt like spring and today winter came back, we have snow and freezing temperature but spring will be back soon. The seasons in Canada are always full of surprises.
It’s also election season in Canada since the new PM called for a snap election last Sunday and without going into political debate one of the big difference that I appreciate between Canadian elections and U.S. elections is the length.
The U.S. races seem to go on forever but we’ll be going to the polls on April 28th so a grand total of 4 weeks of posters and campaign adds on TV which is more than enough for me!
That’s it for me I’m off to for laundry and finish the book I’ve been reading, have a good weekend all.
Yeah, election season never seems to end here. It’s exhausting. Sometimes I wonder how they have any time to do their jobs when they’re always having to worry about the next election.
I hate that it seems like election season goes on forever. In some countries they’ve got a law that determines how long that season is— like 4-6 weeks! I would LOVE that! But will never happen here🙄.
Too many people make too much money off a long election season. Can you imagine if all that money was put toward something useful, like feeding people or housing them?
We hit the upper 70s, maybe even the low 80s, this past week and they’re forecasting snow flurries tomorrow! Colorado always gets one freak snowstorm in April, usually in the middle of the month.
Canada looks more attractive every week. Your elections are much less crazy.
Mutz is definitely living the best life! But hey at 18ish, he should get whatever he wants.
We’re also experiencing whiplash weather here, it was warm & sunny earlier this week but now it’s cool & grey with possibility for some light rain. Today is breakfast, haircut, and some shopping. If I’m up to it, the local library is having a concert of classical guitar this afternoon. I do need to stop in as I have to skip next month’s painting class. It’s same date and time as the Lego club meeting and since we missed last month, really need to show up for that. Oh well there’s always the following month and I can attempt the painting on my own. It’s a sunset reflected in water so it should be interesting to see how well I do (or not!). Tomorrow might go to a car show before running errands. I have off on Monday so I’m heading to the park to see the cherry blossoms in bloom, and attempt to capture them on paper. I’ll be trying watercolors for that picture. Wish me luck! Happy weekend all.
Good Morning!
Mutz has got the life! If reincarnation is real, I’d like to come back as a cat in a loving home. N. Fritz, yours sounds perfect.
It is supposed to be sunny and warm here today? But it’s looking pretty overcast at the moment. The plan was to get in the garden. My forsythia is blooming, and I’ve come to realize I’ve killed part of my front hedge. Something I’m not happy about because there is now a big hole in the privacy part. Maybe I’ll move a forsythia in there instead.
Plenty to do but first I’m going to knit some more on my mittens.
Mutz has the best life, and I agree it might be nice to be a cat, if I could be sure of such a life!
It was 70 degrees yesterday!! We have rain today and tomorrow, then it gets into the 50s for a while. My yellow daffodils have bloomed in the front and look spectacular! These were from my Dad who had every yellow flower he could grow here!
Laundry today, tidy the kitchen and READ! Need to finish my book cos I’m anxious to read another📚
Have a good weekend all!
This was a very weird movie, only saw it when it came on Disney a few years later.
I can remember when it was new in cinemas. My mum took me to the early afternoon showing and I insisted on seeing it twice.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen the whole film. But I love that song.
never saw this one, we were more of a ‘That Darned Cat” kind of household.
That was with HaleyMills? Loved that movie!
Speakers up!
That is a strong purring motor but he definitely doesn’t like the bath!
British shorthairs have such big beautiful eyes! What a sweetheart.
What purrs! If British shorthairs shed THAT much, definitely get them used to grooming STAT!
Seeing that little thing in distress is terrible.
Mutz, you really know how to live life! What a handsome boy! He’s the same age as my Sevi–they deserve every wonderful thing in their golden years.
Whiplash weather here, which I kind of enjoy though it’s unsettling. Last night, I lay in bed listening to the rain, which is one of my favorite things.
Yesterday, Lavender had a dental cleaning. She did just fine and has bounced right back. I’m so glad I took the day off, because it seemed like the phone was ringing nonstop. There was enough time between phone calls to make 2 more videos, where I drumcarded some clean raw fleece into big fluffy batts.
I might be able to make more spinning videos today or tomorrow. Or I’ll start planning my next weaving project(s), or hem my woven bath mat, which will be a rug as it’s too long for the spot in front of my shower. This media lifestyle gets really busy!
Hugs to you all.
Deb, I read that as “drumcarded some clean raw fleece into big fluffy butts”.
If butts were fluffy, that would be even funnier.
Corgis came to mind.
There was a bit of excitement at the Shortcakery yesterday morning when I opened the living room curtains and saw a cloud of white flakes in the air. I immediately dashed into the back yard in my nightie and dressing gown, intent on moving some young plants out of the snow into the utility room…and then realised that the flakes were white petals blown from some trees on the other side of the road!
In other news, I’m thinking of selling a family heirloom to help offset the unexpected cost of the roof repairs. It’s an almanac published in 1649 containing some (fairly awful) hand-written poems about the execution of Charles I. By 1713 it was owned by the rector of All Hallows Church, Sutton-on-Forest, a village about ten miles from York where my paternal great-grandmother’s family lived in the 19th century. I can’t imagine how the book came into the possession of my 3xgreat-grandfather, who was a market gardener, but his name – Thomas Thompson – and the date 1823 are written on the last page.
Oh WOW. Talk to the British Library first about that almanac! Historians would love to get their hands on it, bad poetry and all.
Hope everyone has had a koala-ty day. 🐨
Kiffness koality!
Thank you all for the Mutz love! From the bottom of his little black-and-white heart!
Mutz deserves all the best, and nothing but the best!