The Girl with the Dogs takes on a pair of beautiful long-haired cat sisters. The first one is chill — until it’s time to dry off. (See the sassy second sister on YouTube)
The Girl with the Dogs takes on a pair of beautiful long-haired cat sisters. The first one is chill — until it’s time to dry off. (See the sassy second sister on YouTube)
I love how she’s fine in the dryer until it’s actually turned on (I guess the noise of the fan freaked her out, poor baby), but then once it’s turned off she’s in no hurry to come out.
I watched this the other day but I missed one of the little captions, when The Girl asks “can I clip your nails?” – “I dunno, can you?”
That’s a very chill cat, the few times I had to bathed one of my cats they screamed bloody murder the whole time!
I’ve never seen a cat take to a bath so well. What a gorgeous girl!
What a good kitty!👍🏼