Links: Tater Tots

A cat cuddling a potato

And finally: Tapir Tummy Rubs

Deb G. shares this important video about tapirs. Apparently, they’re total love sponges.

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Leaf Thief

A brazen bunny helps itself to a basket of greens — until things reach a tipping point.

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Maru, the Lonely Emperor

It’s time for the Doll Festival, and Emperor Maru takes his place on the royal throne. But who will be his empress? Hana and Kitten Miri don’t seem to want the job.

Maru, the famous cat, sits atop a display of Japanese dolls representing the imperial court.

Like many emperors, Maru is a tad eccentric. All hail his royal highness, King Baghead!

Submitted to the royal court by Andrew Y.

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