In the ever-escalating struggle of cats against dogs, will technology tip the balance? Unable to counter the dog’s speed or strength, cats have developed Anti-Doggo Omnidirectional Robot Cat (aDORC), which can withstand a bite force of 200 PSI, launch distracting tennis balls at a rate of five per second, and comes equipped with a high-frequency transmitter that can broadcast “It’s time for your bath” that only dogs can hear.

Cat sits inside robot suit made from cardboard boxes. At the base of the suit, another cat reaches inside.
“OK, I rewired the lateral servo mechanism. Try it now.”

With such fearsome weaponry, the cats hope to turn the tide of the battle and bring about lasting peace… if they can figure out how to turn it on.

Cat sits inside robot suit made from cardboard boxes. At the base of the suit, another cat reaches inside.
“Well, dang, maybe it’s got a bad motivator…” (Ecchs)
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Links: Two for the Road

And finally: Stable Friendship

Murray C. shares these two barnyard buddies.

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Swimming Trunkster!

Plunge into this moment of splishy-splashy fun as baby elephant Jun has such a great time swimming, she doesn’t want to get out of the pool.

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If They Fits, I Sits

If they interlock, I sit and block. If they’re jigsaw-cut, I rest my butt. If they interconnect, I sit and reflect. If they form a nice scene, I remain here serene. If they come in pieces, my stay never ceases. If they’re not put together, I stay here forever.

Cat with dark striped fur sits in a box containing jigsaw puzzle pieces.
Look, just be grateful I’m not using this as a cat box.

"You didn't really need this box anymore, now did you Human?", by andymiccone, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

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