In the ever-escalating struggle of cats against dogs, will technology tip the balance? Unable to counter the dog’s speed or strength, cats have developed Anti-Doggo Omnidirectional Robot Cat (aDORC), which can withstand a bite force of 200 PSI, launch distracting tennis balls at a rate of five per second, and comes equipped with a high-frequency transmitter that can broadcast “It’s time for your bath” that only dogs can hear.
!["OK, I rewired the lateral servo mechanism. Try it now." Cat sits inside robot suit made from cardboard boxes. At the base of the suit, another cat reaches inside.](
With such fearsome weaponry, the cats hope to turn the tide of the battle and bring about lasting peace… if they can figure out how to turn it on.
!["Well, dang, maybe it's got a bad motivator..." Cat sits inside robot suit made from cardboard boxes. At the base of the suit, another cat reaches inside.](