Bailey the golden retriever has met his match: A matching kitten who really wants to use his nose as a pillow.

All the cute animals you crave: puppies, kittens, hamsters, hedgehogs, squid, ducklings, bunnies, raccoons, womba–All right, who added “squid”?
Bailey the golden retriever has met his match: A matching kitten who really wants to use his nose as a pillow.
The Cutetropolis Meowseum of Art is pleased to announce its recent acquisition of Cat on Stairs, by Flemish painter Magnus van Fleuftweerp (1633 – 1689). The work is noteworthy for documenting a brief period in Renaissance history when cats wore ruffled collars along with their owners.
The General, by Matt From London, licensed under CC BY 2.0
YouTube, via Skimpy
YouTube, via NTMTOM
Andrew Y. shares a dog executing a perfect fakeout.
What a monster I’d been, cruel and heartless. All those innocent field mice, scooped up and bopped on the head. I was up to fifty a day at once point. And what was it all for?