Not Having a Blast

This thirty-pound floof monster is Rocket, and during his session with Girl With the Dogs he’d like to make like a rocket and take off. (via Dana D.)

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Adios, Iguana

I swear, if I live to be a hundred I’ll never forget the stranger who saved my pappy’s life. It was another scorching day on the panhandle, and pappy and me was surrounded by ‘skeeters hungry for blood.

Then alla sudden, ZAP! something snatched one’a them bugs clean outta the air. Then another and another until every last varmint was gone.

I looked up in time to see a handsome stranger lick his chops and gallop into the distance. I never did learn his name…

Iguana lizard wearing a toy red cowboy hat sits on a brown toy horse.
Hi-yo Copper! AWAAAAAY! (Tumblr)
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Links: The Rat Patrol

Hero rats rescue people, potty-mouthed parrot needs a new home, cute food, surfing penguin, and more.

And finally: Surfing Bird

Elizabeth G. shared this once in a lifetime penguin encounter.

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