Baby Bunny Bonanza!

A backyard camera captures a rabbit family out for breakfast. After getting some meelks from mama, the baby buns are full of energy!

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Maru, King of Relaxation

After finishing last week’s brushing marathon, a very relaxed Maru curls up in the blue tub. You may get sleepy just watching him.

Just another normal day. Kitten Miri is playing, Hana is lounging, Maru is snoring — but then it starts pouring.

via Andrew Y.

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Weekend Open Thread

It’s the weekend! Time to get all your cats in a row, like the furry family sent by reader Georgiana Y.:

In front is Skye the 2 years old baby, behind her is Minnie the 17 years old grand dame of the house and at the back is Storm 3 years old also known as BB or Black Beauty. And if you’re thinking wow that bed is really full of fur, it’s because it is their bed, nobody else uses it and that’s the way they like it.

p.s. We do wash all the covers once a month even if they don’t like it and are mad about it for a day LOL!!

Three cats resting on blankets
Now we have to re-cat them.
Bonus Doggo!
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Nice “Protecting,” Buddy

Trying to steal a bed from a dog who can fit your whole head in his mouth can be risky — unless the dog is a pushover like Buddy.

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