Boss Bunny

A cat mom brings home a bunny who promptly takes charge of her whole house.

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Maru’s Macaque Attack

It’s another busy day at Maru’s house, when suddenly a gang of hoodlums invades the backyard. But Maru doesn’t monkey around.

With that unpleasantness out of the way, Maru can enjoy his favorite pastime: squeezing into small spaces.

via Andrew Y.

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Weekend Open Thread

Happy Caturday and welcome to the open thread. Every cat is quirky and unique, and so it is with this beautiful stripey girl from reader Georgiana Y.:

I’ve had cats all my life but never one quite like Skye! She is clumsy and not graceful at all, she moves more like a bulldog than a cat. Also I had hoped that her obsession with chewing the cords of things like chargers would pass as she grew older but, sadly, no. As I often tell her, it’s a good thing that she’s so cute!

Cat with multicolored stripes curls up in a grey cat bed.
Cuteness is like a get-out-of-jail card.
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