Links: Tongue-out Tuesday

headshot of pitbull dog licking its nose

And finally: Hiss-terectomy?

And now, this moving medical drama (found on Laughing Squid)

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Penguin Awareness Day!

Are you aware that today is Penguin Awareness Day? To help you get the most from Penguin Awareness Day, here is a penguin for you to be aware of.

penguin looks at you
And I’m aware of you too, so don’t try anything funny.

Antarctica penguin, by szeke, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

To further your penguin awareness, enjoy this shy penguin chick getting some confidence.

And if that wasn’t enough awareness, here are three hours of penguins with relaxing music.

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Links: More Like Central Pork, Amirite?

And finally: Alpaca-go-round

via Andrew Y. (More Chewpaca the Alpaca on Instagram.)

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