A hard-working border collie takes time off from corralling sheep to herd a litter of her own puppies in this excerpt from Animal Planet’s Too Cute, found by reader Skimpy.

A hard-working border collie takes time off from corralling sheep to herd a litter of her own puppies in this excerpt from Animal Planet’s Too Cute, found by reader Skimpy.
Cutetropolis is brought to you today by Oweo Quadruple-Stuffed sandwich cookies. That’s right, you loved ’em double-stuffed, so we’re doubling down again! It’s the cookie with a surprise in every bite!
Someone’s definitely getting an “owie,” Andrew Y.
Texas Children’s, via NTMTOM
YouTube, via Arne
The Dodo / YouTube, via Karen F.
Love Meow, via Andrew Y.
So here’s a cat in a box, shared by Andrew Y.
Will he fits?
byu/MafuSorau inaww
“Wow! Thanks, Santa Claus! Even though it’s not the Red Ryder tennis ball launcher I asked you for, I’m sure I’ll have many fun hours sitting in this wagon waiting for someone to pull me.”
Christmas Season and a Puppy!, by Dog Light Photography, licensed under CC BY 2.0