Big Bun

Most folks say he’s just a myth, but the locals in the sleepy town of Gator Giggle, Florida swear he roams these marshes, with thumps that can be felt for miles. So keep to the trails, and don’t travel alone, lest you encounter… the Giant Swamp Rabbit of the Everglades!

Close up of rabbit face, photographed from below
It’s a good thing you’re not a carrot.

The Almighty Rabbit!, by Caitlin House

Bonus Bunday

Andrew Y. shares a bun taking out the trash.

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Maru Goes Soft in the Head

After a visit to the garden, all that Hana wants to do is to take a nap on the softest, fluffiest pillow in the house: her best friend Maru.

Maru’s head may be soft, but his indomitable spirit is unbreakable. If he wants to sit in a wobbly bowl, he… will… sit… in… the… wobbly… bowl.

Indomitably submitted by Andrew Y.

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Weekend Open Thread

Cold enough for you? Well, it’s cold enough for reader Tracy R. and her cat Hamster:

Here’s Hamster making a point that it’s rather chilly (he’s lying in the spot where the heat comes out of the vent). Just so everyone knows that I’m not torturing the cat by turning down the heat: I hate cold as much as Hamster, and the thermostat is set at eighty degrees. Yes, eighty. And me and Hamster are still a bit chilly!

cat with light fur and a striped tail lays on the floor near an ornate wooden chest. The chest is partially covering a heating grate.
Um, could somebody move this chest so I can sit ON the vent?
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Bed Buddy

Even with a comfy quilted bed nearby, this kitten knows that Buddy is the better bed because: 1. Buddy is self-heating, and 2. a bed can never be inconvenienced by having a cat sitting on it.

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