Links: In-flight Entertainment

Airline for dogs, man builds cat houses, dog and deer, zebra captured at last, and more.

And finally: Drum Solo

With a little thank-you at the end, found by Andrew Y.

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A Nom-nomable Snowman

Fuku, the pampered house rabbit, gets an unusual surprise: A tiny snowman, with leafy limbs, a carrot nose, an apple smile, and… okay, I would have gone with raisin eyes, but maybe that’s just me…

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Maru Trades Up

It’s another relaxing Caturday. Hana enjoys the view, Kitten Miri talks to the birds, and Maru test drives the XZ-3000 All-terrain Tactical Parade Float. Not impressed, he switches to his jeep, which has room for the ladies.

Maru’s living the dream, Andrew Y.

Time for Some Vintage Maru!
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Weekend Open Thread

Greetings, Cutetropolitans! Today reader SoccerSue shares some pics and video of an adorable cat with an unusual tail.

After almost 4 years of being catless, we finally adopted a new fur baby! Meet Julius, the orange bobtail! He’s a friendly, snuggly love bug who purrs nonstop, plays hard and sleeps harder, and has an abundance of orange cat energy. His tail has a mind of its own!

You haven’t seen the end of me yet!
Ok, technically you have, but still…
The front of me is also cute.
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